Get Host Information

This Automation Manager object gets Hyper-V host information.

Input Parameters

No input parameters required.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Virtual Hard Disk Path String Local path of VHD (VHDX) file.
Virtual Machine Path String Path of the VM file.
Fully Qualified Domain Name String FQDN of the host domain.
Name String Host name.
MAC Address Minimum String Minimum allowed mac address for virtual nics.
MAC Address Maximum String Maximum allowed mac address for virtual nics.
Maximum Storage Migrations String Maximum storage migration count allowed.
Maximum Virtual Machine Migrations String Maximum VM migration count allowed.
Virtual Machine Migration Enabled Boolean Indicates if a host is enabled for Live Migration.
Virtual Machine Migration Authentication Type String Authentication for migration of VMS (Kerberos, certificate).
Uses Any Network for Migration Boolean Specifies how networks are selected for incoming live migration traffic.
Fibre Channel Wwnn String WWNN name for the Fiber Channel Card.
Fibre Channel Wwpn Maximum String Maximum allowed WWPN name for Fiber Channel Card.
Fibre Channel Wwpn Minimum String Minimum allowed WWPN name for Fiber Channel Card.
Logical Processor Count String Number of CPU cores.
Memory Capacity String Total memory capacity available.
Resource Metering Save Interval String Time interval for Resource Metering Auto Save.
Numa Spanning Enabled Boolean Enable Numa spanning.
IOV Support Boolean IOV Support.
Internal Network Adapters String Host name.
External Network Adapters String Host name.
IOV Support Reasons String Reasons for IOV support.
Computer Name String The name of the computer.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.
Result String String Returns the details of any Object execution errors.

Example Input Parameters

No input parameters required.