Modify Resource Pool

This Automation Manager object modifies the name or parent of an existing resource pool.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Resource Pool Name String Yes Specifies the name of the resource pool to be modified.
Resource Pool Type Drop-down Yes Specifies the type of the resource pool to be modified.
New Resource Pool Name String No Specifies the new name for the resource pool.
Remove Parent Boolean No Optionally, you can remove parent resource pool(s).
New Parent Name String No Optionally, you can specify a new parent for the resource pool.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Resource Pool Name String Yes New Resource Pool
Resource Pool Type String Yes

Optionally, you can disable a resource pool:

  • Fiber Channel Connection
  • Processor
  • Virtual Floppy Drive
  • ISO File
  • Virtual Hard Drive
  • Ethernet
  • Memory
  • Fiber Channel Port
New Resource Pool Name String No Old Resource Pool.
Remove Parent Boolean No Optionally, you can remove parent resource pool(s).
New Parent Name String No New Parent Resource Pool.