VM Network Adapter Information

This Automation Manager object retrieves the virtual network adapter information.

Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Virtual Machine Name String Yes Specifies the name of the virtual machine whose network adapters are to be retrieved.
NIC Name String Yes Specifies the name of the network adapter to be retrieved.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Name String Name of the Network Adapter
ID String ID of the Network Adapter
Pool Name String Name of the Resource Pool assigned to the Network Device
MAC Address String MAC Address assigned to the Network Adapter
MAC Address Spoofing String Returns if MAC Address spoofing is enabled or not for the Network Adapter
Allow Teaming String Returns if the virtual network adapter can be teamed with other network adapters connected to the same virtual switch
Virtual Subnet ID String Returns the virtual subnet ID used with Hyper-V Network Virtualization
VMQWeight String Returns if the virtual machine queue (VMQ) is to be enabled on the virtual network adapter.
VMQUsage String Returns if the virtual machine queue (VMQ) usage of the Network Adapter
IOVWeight String Returns if the Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) is enabled on this virtual network adapter.
IOVUsage String Returns if the Single-Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) usage on this virtual network adapter.
Bandwidth Percentage String Returns if the bandwidth usage of the Network Adapter.
Status String Returns if the status of the Network Adapter.
IP Address String Returns if the IP address assigned to the Network Adapter.
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Virtual Machine Name String Yes Guest001
Controller Type Radio Button Yes NIC1