Date Arithmetic
This Automation Manager object performs basic arithmetic on a date, add/subtract days or subtract dates.
Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Date0 | Date | Yes | The date to be formatted. |
Now | Boolean | Yes | Forces Date0 to be Now, the time and date of execution. |
Operation | Selection | Yes | The operation to perform add or subtract. |
Date1 | Date or Number | Yes | A date if days is not checked a number if it days is checked. |
Days | Boolean | Yes | Check box indicating that the value in Date1 is a number or a date. |
Output | Selection | Yes | The desired output: Date, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds. |
Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
DateResult | String | The output of the configured operation. |
Result | String | Returns 'True' if the file is found, 'False' otherwise. |
Example Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Example |
Date 0 | Date | Yes | <intentionally left blank> |
Now | Boolean | Yes | Optionally, you can select ‘now’ for the Date0 parameter. |
Operation | Selector | Yes | Subtract |
Date 1 | Date | Yes | 1 |
Days | Boolean | Yes | Optionally, you can select 'Days' which is related to Date1. |
Output | Selector | Yes | Optionally, you can select 'Date' for the output format. |