Date Arithmetic

This Automation Manager object performs basic arithmetic on a date, add/subtract days or subtract dates.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Date0 Date Yes The date to be formatted.
Now Boolean Yes Forces Date0 to be Now, the time and date of execution.
Operation Selection Yes The operation to perform add or subtract.
Date1 Date or Number Yes A date if days is not checked a number if it days is checked.
Days Boolean Yes Check box indicating that the value in Date1 is a number or a date.
Output Selection Yes The desired output: Date, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
DateResult String The output of the configured operation.
Result String Returns 'True' if the file is found, 'False' otherwise.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Date 0 Date Yes <intentionally left blank>
Now Boolean Yes Optionally, you can select ‘now’ for the Date0 parameter.
Operation Selector Yes Subtract
Date 1 Date Yes 1
Days Boolean Yes Optionally, you can select 'Days' which is related to Date1.
Output Selector Yes Optionally, you can select 'Date' for the output format.