Set Folder Permissions
This Automation Manager object sets the permissions for the configured folder.
Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
User | String | Yes | Name of the user (in the format <domain>\username) for which the permissions are being set. |
Folder | String | Yes | The full path for the folder. |
Full Control | Selection | Yes | Allow, Deny, or None. |
Read | Selection | Yes | Allow, Deny, or None. |
Write | Selection | Yes | Allow, Deny, or None. |
Modify | Selection | Yes | Allow, Deny, or None. |
Execute | Selection | Yes | Allow, Deny, or None. |
Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Result | Number |
Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure. |
Example Input Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Example |
Domain | String | Yes | |
User | String | Yes | jsmith |
Folder | String | Yes | C:\folder1 |
Full Control | Selection | Yes | Optional to allow specified user Full Control rights over the specified folder. |
Read | Selection | Yes | Optional to allow specified user Read rights over the specified folder. |
Write | Selection | Yes | Optional to allow specified user Write rights over the specified folder. |
Modify | Selection | Yes | Optional to allow specified user Modify rights over the specified folder. |
Execute | Selection | Yes | Optional to allow specified user Execute rights over the specified folder. |