Output CSV

This Automation Manager object creates a comma delimited file from a collection of data. The resulting file can then be displayed in a spreadsheet.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Data Link Yes The data to be placed in a file, a collection, or example output from get services.
File Name String Yes The name and path of the file to be created.
Delimiter Character No The default delimiter is the comma, other common delimiters are semi-colon or dollar sign.
No Type Information Boolean Yes When false, the first line of the file will the type description of the data. Set this to 'true' to eliminate the row of type information.
Overwrite Boolean Yes If 'true', an existing file will be overwritten

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Data Link Yes Link the Data field to any dropped Automation Object that produces an array
File Name String Yes C:\folder1\file1.csv
Delimiter Character Yes ,
No Type Information Boolean No Optionally deselect to have the first line of the file be the type description of the data. Set this to true to eliminate the row of type information.
Overwrite Boolean No Optionally overwrite the specified file if already exists.