
This Automation Manager object synchronizes a specified domain controller with all of its replication partners.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Domain Controller String Yes The DNS name domain controller to synchronize.
Naming Context String Yes The distinguished name of the naming context to replicate.
All NC Boolean Yes Determines if all NCs should be synchronized. If selected, the naming context text box is disabled.
Sync Servers Selection Yes Determines the servers with which to be synchronized. The site of the domain controller, enterprise or only adjacent servers.
Abort if server unavailable Boolean Yes Determines if the synchronization stopped if a server is unavailable.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description



Returns the results as a collection of replication partners, each containing the following:

  • DestinationDC
  • DestinationDCSite
  • NamingContext
  • SourceDCSite
  • TransportType
  • NumberofFailures
  • LastFailureTime
  • LastSuccessTime
  • LastFailureStatus



Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Domain Controller String Yes DC1
Naming Context String Yes <intentionally left blank>
All NCs Selector Yes Optionally select all Naming Contexts
Abort if any server is unavailable: Selector Yes Optionally select to abort if any server is unavailable.