List Global Catalog Servers Information
This Automation Manager object returns information for all Forest Global Catalog Servers.
Input Parameters
No input parameters required.
Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
Forest GC Array | Array | The array containing forest information. |
GC in Forest Count | Number | The number of servers in the Forest Global Catalog array. |
Name | String | Returns the name of the global catalog server. |
Site Name | String | Returns the name of the global catalog site. |
IP Address | String | Returns the ID Address of the global catalog server. |
Roles | String | Returns the roles of the global catalog server. |
OS Version | String | Returns the operating system version of the global catalog server. |
Highest Committed USN | String | Returns the highest committed USN of the global catalog server. |
Result | Number | Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure. |
Example Input Parameters
No input parameters required.