Join Domain

This Automation Manager object joins a computer to domain.



Input Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Computer String Yes The name of the computer, this computer should be in a work group.
Computer User String Yes The name of a user of the computer.
Computer Password Password Yes The password of a user of the computer.
Domain String Yes The DNS name domain to be joined.
Domain User String Yes A user of the domain in the format: domain\user.
Domain Password Password Yes The domain user’s password.
Org Unit String Yes The organizational unit in which to create the computer object. This is a distinguished name. Must be an OU and not the default CN=Computers,DC=...,DC=... container. To configure a computer in the CN=Computers,.. container, leave this field undefined.

Output Parameters

Name Type Description
Result Number Returns a success value of zero or any value other than zero to indicate failure.

Example Input Parameters

Name Type Required Example
Computer String Yes DeviceName
Computer User String Yes Administrator
Computer Password Password Yes Password!@#
Domain String Yes
Domain User String Yes Administrator
Domain Password Password Yes Password!@#$%
OrgUnit String Yes OU=Marketing,DC=ABC,DC=com