Custom Fields for Asset Tracking

You can add Custom Fields in the device Summary tab of the Asset Tracking Dashboard. You add a Custom Field with a name and then manually populate the field for each device or Client. For example, you can configure a custom field for Purchase Date and then enter that information for each device.

Custom Fields are applied account-wide for all devices regardless of the method you use to add them.

Add Custom Fields

  1. In the Asset Tracking Dashboard, open the Asset Tracking Settings dialog using one of these methods:
    • Go to Settings > Asset Tracking Settings

    • In the Asset Tracking South-pane Summary tab, click Define your own custom fields here... (if no fields configured yet)

  2. Select the Custom Fields tab
  3. Enter a name for up to 10 custom fields.

    In the Summary tab, the custom fields are displayed in the order listed in the Asset Tracking Settings dialog.

  4. Click OK to save

Populate Custom Fields in the Summary Tab

After you add a custom field, it is displayed in the Asset Tracking Summary tab for each device.

It is not mandatory to populate Custom Fields for each device. You can leave a custom field blank if applicable data is not available for a device.

To populate a custom field for a device:

  1. Click the device in the Asset Tracking North-pane to display the device details in the South-pane
  2. In the South-pane, select the Summary tab
  3. Enter the information for the custom field
  4. Click Save Changes to apply
  5. Custom Field information is not retained when a device is deleted from the All Devices view. If you reinstall an Agent on a device, you must re-populate the Custom Field information.