Backup & Recovery Selection Size
Use this API Call to query our Data Extraction API to extract data gathered by N-sight RMM.This section shows the service name and parameters needed in the API Call query, and provides examples of some queries and system responses. For more information, see Data Extraction API.
Service name: mob/mob_list_selection_size |
https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=mob/mob_list_selection_size &required_parameters=required_parameters &required_parameters=required_parameters &required_parameters=required_parameters &required_parameters=required_parameters &required_parameters=required_parameters |
Description |
Returns the Backup & Recovery - previously known as Managed Online Backup - (MOB) selection size for the specified device for the entered month and year combination. Please be aware that the backup values stated in this API call are in Bytes. If you require this information in Megabyte, divide the backup values by 1048576 (or backup value/1024/1024) and for Gigabytes divide the backup values by 1073741824 (or backup value/1024/1024/1024). |
Parameters |
Post Variable |
Description |
Type |
Required |
Options |
Default |
Optional. Returns a description of the service. |
boolean |
no |
true |
0 |
clientid |
The id of the client for which information is to be returned. |
integer |
yes |
0 |
0 |
siteid |
The id of the site for which information is to be returned. |
integer |
yes |
0 |
0 |
deviceid |
The id of the device for which information is to be returned. |
integer |
yes |
0 |
0 |
year |
The year to query |
integer |
yes |
0 |
0 |
month |
The month to query (month number) |
integer |
yes |
0 |
0 |
Example Service Call =mob/mob_list_selection_size |
https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=mob/mob_list_selection_size&month=MONTH_NUMBER&year=YEAR&clientid=CLIENTID&siteid=SITEID&deviceid=DEVICEID |
Example Response |
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <result created="2013-03-08T15:07:54+00:00" host="Server" status="OK"> <selection> <client active="true"> <clientid>1</clientid> <name> <![CDATA[Test Client1]]> </name> <site active="true"> <siteid>1</siteid> <name> <![CDATA[Test Site11]]> </name> <workstations> <workstation active="false"> <deviceid>1</deviceid> <name> <![CDATA[Removed Device]]> </name> <slot active="true"> <slotid>1</slotid> <SystemStateBackupPlugin>2097152</SystemStateBackupPlugin> <FsBackupPlugin>1048576</FsBackupPlugin> </slot> <total>3145728</total> </workstation> <workstation active="true"> <deviceid>2</deviceid> <name> <![CDATA[Active Device 2]]> </name> <slot active="false"> <slotid>2</slotid> <FsBackupPlugin>1048576</FsBackupPlugin> </slot> <total>1048576</total> </workstation> <workstation active="true"> <deviceid>3</deviceid> <name> <![CDATA[Active Device 3]]> </name> <slot active="true"> <slotid>3</slotid> <NetworkSharesBackupPlugin>2097172</NetworkSharesBackupPlugin> <SystemStateBackupPlugin>2097152</SystemStateBackupPlugin> <FsBackupPlugin>16717655425</FsBackupPlugin> </slot> <total>16721849749</total> </workstation> </workstations> <servers/> <total>16726044053</total> </site> <site active="true"> <siteid>2</siteid> <name> <![CDATA[Test Site21]]> </name> <workstations/> <servers> <server active="true"> <deviceid>4</deviceid> <name> <![CDATA[Active Device Server 4]]> </name> <slot active="true"> <slotid>4</slotid> <SystemStateBackupPlugin>16715155489</SystemStateBackupPlugin> <NetworkSharesBackupPlugin>18715155425</NetworkSharesBackupPlugin> </slot> <total>35430310914</total> </server> </servers> <total>35430310914</total> </site> <total>52156354967</total> </client> <client active="true"> <clientid>2</clientid> <name> <![CDATA[Test Client2]]> </name> <site active="true"> <siteid>3</siteid> <name> <![CDATA[Test Site32]]> </name> <workstations> <workstation active="true"> <deviceid>5</deviceid> <name> <![CDATA[Active Device 5]]> </name> <slot active="true"> <slotid>5</slotid> <FsBackupPlugin>19715155425</FsBackupPlugin> </slot> <slot active="false"> <slotid>6</slotid> <SystemStateBackupPlugin>19815155425</SystemStateBackupPlugin> </slot> <total>39530310850</total> </workstation> </workstations> <servers/> <total>39530310850</total> </site> <total>39530310850</total> </client> <client active="false"> <clientid>4</clientid> <name> <![CDATA[Removed Client]]> </name> <site active="false"> <siteid>6</siteid> <name> <![CDATA[Removed Site]]> </name> <workstations> <workstation active="false"> <deviceid>6</deviceid> <name> <![CDATA[Removed Device 2]]> </name> <slot active="false"> <slotid>7</slotid> <SystemStateBackupPlugin>199155425</SystemStateBackupPlugin> </slot> <total>199155425</total> </workstation> </workstations> <servers/> <total>199155425</total> </site> <total>199155425</total> </client> <total>91885821242</total> </selection> </result> |
Field Description |
Field |
Type |
Can Be Empty |
Description |
selection/total |
Integer |
No |
Total selection size for account in bytes. |
client/clientid |
Integer |
No |
Unique ID of the client. |
client/name |
String |
No |
Name of the client. |
client@active |
String |
No |
True if the client still exists. |
client/total |
Integer |
No |
Total selection size for client in bytes. |
site/siteid |
Integer |
No |
Unique ID of the site. |
site/name |
String |
No |
Name of the client. |
site@active |
String |
No |
True if the site still exists. |
site/total |
Integer |
No |
Total selection size for site in bytes. |
server/deviceid |
Integer |
No |
Unique ID of the device. |
server/name |
String |
No |
Name of the device. |
server@active |
String |
No |
True if the device still exists. |
workstation/deviceid |
Integer |
No |
Unique ID of the device. |
workstation/name |
String |
No |
Name of the device. |
workstation@active |
String |
No |
True if the device still exists. |
server or workstation/total |
Integer |
No |
Total selection size for device in bytes. |
slot/slotid |
Integer |
No |
Unique ID of the Backup & Recovery slot. |
slot@active |
String |
No |
True if the slot is actively being used by a device. |
slot/*Plugin |
Integer |
No |
Selected size of storage in bytes for plugin. |
Example Associated Service Calls | ||
Parameter | Call | URL Format |
DeviceID | list_devices_at_client |
https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_devices_at_client&clientid=CLIENTID&devicetype=server |
list_servers |
https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_servers&siteid=SITEID |
list_workstations |
https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_workstations&siteid=SITEID |
SiteID | list_sites | https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_sites&clientid=CLIENTID |
ClientID | list_clients | https://SERVER/api/?apikey=yourAPIkey&service=list_clients |