View tickets from N-sight RMM

MSP Manager tickets created in N-sight RMM are available in the device Outages tab and the More Information section of the Check the ticket is recorded against.

Whichever method is used to open the ticket, it returns any Note or Time entries with the ability to Add Note or Add Time. The ticket can be opened in MSP Manager using View ticket in MSP Manager.

Notes and Time entries recorded against the ticket synchronize between N-sight RMM and MSP Manager.

View ticket from the Outages tab

  1. Select the Device in the All Devices view North-pane
  2. Go to the Outages tab in the South-pane
  3. Select the failure

    If there is no ticket for the failure, you can create a ticket in MSP Manager using the Open Now button.

  4. Click link: View ticket in MSP Manager

View ticket from the Checks tab

  1. Select the Device in the All Devices view North-pane
  2. Go to the Checks tab in the South-pane
  3. For the target Check, click the link in the More Information column
  4. Go to Current Outage
  5. Click link: View ticket in MSP Manager

For historical tickets:

  1. Navigate to Outage History


  2. Select the failure
  3. Click View Outage Details