Patch Management for Windows Legend


patch_management_icon On
disabled_grey Off
green_dot Enabled
gray_dot Disabled
orange_dot Combination of enable and disabled devices at the Client, Site or Device level

Patch Policy

disabled_grey gray_dot Inherit / Do Nothing
ignore_tick orange_dot Ignore
approve_tick blue_dot Approve

Approval Setting.  See Patch Approval Actions for further details.

Block color: all patches have the same action applied Combination color clip0217: an action is assigned against a patch on some, but not all devices
gray_dot Do Nothing
blue_dot Approve
orange_dot Ignore
mixed_icon Mixed

Patch State

patch_failed_icon Failed
patch_missing_icon Missing
patch_pending_icon Pending
patch_installing_icon Installing
patch_installed_icon Installed
patch_ignored_icon Ignored
patch_reboot_icon Reboot Required


pm_vendor Clickable link to the vendor's site for additional patch information