All Checks on all devices report, Awaiting First Run, due to Communication issues

Last Modified

Mon Oct 18 2021


  • All Checks on all devices show Awaiting First Run
  • In the Advanced Monitoring Agent\FMPlugin\Logs\Error.log, there is the following line:
JWTNetworkAccessWrapper::onNetworkResponse Connection timed out
JWTNetworkAccessWrapper::get get hit MAX_RETRIES without getting a JWT token
  • In the Warning.log from the same folder, there are the following lines:
2017-06-05 10:29:28:424 ConfigManager::slotErrorHandler Error while getting the checks from the checkProcessor: Connection timed out
2017-06-05 10:29:29:133 ActionController::slotActionErrorHandler Error while getting the actions from the checkProcessor: Connection timed out


  • N-sight RMM
  • Monitoring Checks


  • A firewall or other web monitoring software is blocking or restricting communication between the device and the All Devices view.
  • Verify that the relevant URLs are allowed through the firewall so the device can communicate with the All Devices view. For more information, see Agent Communication URLs.