Passwords Known by User Report

The Passwords Known by User report allows you to display all passwords that the selected user has knowledge of.

This only includes passwords that the User has viewed in plain text, or copied to the clipboard, not all passwords that they have used or have access too.

To run the Passwords Known by User report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports and select the Passwords Known by User report.
  2. Select the target User.
  3. Click Run Report.
  4. The Passwords Known by User report generates and is presented.
    • Each row of the report corresponds with a password known by the selected Users.
    • Each row shows the Client the password belongs to, the Credential Type, Description, the Username for the password, the Date the password was last changed and the Date the password was accessed by the user.
  5. You can use the Copy, Print and Export buttons to copy, print or export the report as a .PDF, .CSV, or Excel file.