Blink Reset Request History

Produces a filterable report on the status of the user reset requests made to Blink during a specified date range.

To run the Blink Reset Request History report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports and select the Blink Reset Request History report.
  2. Select the Clients, or use the predefined selections - use Shift+Click to select a range, or Alt+click to make specific selections.
  3. Select the Reset Requsted Via type, or use the predefined selections.
  4. Click the Date Range drop-down and select the required date range, or select Custom to enter a custom range.
  5. Once the required selections have been made, click Run Report.
  6. The Blink Reset Request report generates and is presented in a new tab of your browser
    • Each row of the report corresponds with a Blink user
    • Each entry shows the User, Username, Client, Reset Requsted Via, and the Date the request was made
  7. You can use the Copy, Print and Export buttons to copy, print or export the report as a .PDF, .CSV, or Excel file