Disable User

When disabling a user in Passportal, you will also want to address any passwords that may be known to the former user. When you do disable a user, you will be presented with a list of all passwords viewed by that user, so that you may address these as required.

Only the Organization Admin user can disable, and re-enable a user

Once a user has been disabled, they will be unable to login into Passportal with their credentials.

To disable a user in Passportal:

  1. Navigate to the Users screen.
  2. Click the 3 dots menu in the Actions column of the user.
  3. Click Disable User.
  4. Click Confirm on the warning pop-up to continue, or Cancel to exit without disabling.
  5. The Disabled User Workflow screen opens. From here you can set the required actions for AD Enabled Passwords, Non-AD Passwords or all passwords under Total Passwords.
  6. If you have end-user AD passwords stored and they have been viewed by the user being disabled, bulk actioning a reset will cause the end-user to not be able to login as their password will have been reset without them being advised. Please exercise caution when actioning in bulk.

    Available options are:

    • No Action Required: No actions taken.
    • Flag All: Flags all passwords as requiring a reset.
    • Change All: Resets the passwords where sync'd with AD, and flags all remaining for to be reset.
    • Auto Complete: Resets all password where sync'd, flags all others for reset.

    Or, Use the drop-down menu in the Actions column for each password individually. The drop-down menu will only offer actions appropriate to the password.

Re-enable a Disabled User

You may find circumstances where you need to re-enable a user in Passportal.

To re-enable a user:

  1. Click on the Show Disabled toggle switch on the user screen, to view the disabled users.
  2. Click the 3 dots menu in the Actions column for the disabled user.
  3. Click Enable User.