Importing to My Vault

Passportal allows imports to your My Vault credentials.

To import passwords to another location, please see Importing Passwords by CSV.

Accessing the My Vault Importer and downloading the import CSV:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Import/Export > Import to My Vault.
  2. The Import Passwords to Vault screen is displayed - click Vault Import Templates - Download to download the import CSV file.
  3. Extract the Import CSV file and populate it.

Populating the My Vault import CSV

DO NOT change the CSV filename at any time.

DO NOT change the CSV column headers.

If either are edited your credentials will fail to import correctly.

Once you’ve downloaded the template, you will notice there is no client name column as this is intended for your My Vault credentials, and not a client.

Populate the CSV with the credentials details you wish to be imported and save it without changing the filename.

Passportal Password Vault Template.csv
PassportalID (BLANK) Credential Username Password Description Expires (Yes/No) notes URL Folder (optional)
to remain empty credential type username password description (optional) yes or no optional URL of website etc. where the credential is used folder name (will create the folder if the folder does not exist in your My Vault)

If you have Carriage Returns within your notes, you will encounter issues performing the import. Following these steps will allow there to be Soft Carriage Returns which are allowed within the import.
  1. Select all cells where you want to remove or replace carriage returns.
  2. Press Ctrl+H to open the Find & Replace dialog box.
  3. In the Find What field enter Ctrl+J. It will look empty, but you will see a tiny dot.
  4. In the Replace With field, Press Alt+Enter. It will look empty, however, when you click Replace All you will see that changes have been made.

Importing the populated CSV

The upload of the file needs to be performed on the same device as where you downloaded the import CSV file

  1. Navigate back to the Import Passwords to Vault screen as per the initial steps above
  2. Drag and drop the .CSV file into the importer, or click Select Files, browse to and select the import .CSV file
  3. The screen refreshes to show your credentials - check through to ensure these present as expected, use the checkbox to the left of each entry to include or exclude from the import
  4. When happy with the selection, click Import
  5. The screen will refresh - check the Import Status column to see if the import for the credential has been successful