Specific Document

This request returns information on a specific document where the documentId number is passed in the URL.

GET: <BaseURL>/api/v2/documents/{documentId}


Parameter Description Requirement Supported Value In
x-api-token The API access_token generated for the Access Key Required String Header
documentId Identifier for the document to return Required String Path

Request Format


curl --location --request GET '<BaseURL>/api/v2/documents/<documentID>' \
--header 'x-access-token: <your_API_Access_Token>'


Header Key Header Value
x-access-token <your_API_Access_Token>
Params (Path Variables)
documentID <ID of target document>

Response Format

  "success": true,
  "templateUid": "string",
  "id": integer,
  "details": {
	"name": {
		"name": "string",
		"type": "string",
		"text": "This is the document name"
"additionalProp": [...

Sample Response

  "success": true,
  "templateUid": "tpl-101",
  "id": 101101,
  "details": {
	"name": {
		"name": "Name",
		"description": "",
		"value": {
			"type": "string",
			"text": "Dundee Office"
	"tags": [],
	"address_1": {
		"name": "Address 1",
		"description": "",
		"value": {
			"type": "string",
			"text": "20 Greenmarket"
	"city": null,
	"address_2": {
		"name": "Dundee",
		"description": "",
		"value": {
			"type": "string",
			"text": "Dundee"
	"state_/_province": {
	"name": "State / Province",
		"description": "",
		"value": {
			"type": "string",
			"text": "Angus"
	"country": "Scotland",
	"zip_/_postal_code": {
		"name": "Zip / Postal Code",
		"description": "",
		"value": {
			"type": "string",
			"text": "DD1 4QB"
	"phone": "01382 309040",
	"fax": null,
	"notes": null
"apiRequestUid": "101-101"