HaloPSA Integration
HaloPSA have developed an integration with Passportal allowing you to import your Passportal Asset, Client, Location and Contact information into HaloPSA.
Configuration of the integration is performed in the HaloPSA product, but does require the Passportal API Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. These can be generated by following the API Key Management directions.
Please see HaloPSA's own user guide: N-able Passportal Integration for full details.
This documentation may contain references to third party software or websites. N-able has no control over third party software or content and is not responsible for the availability, security, or operation, of any third-party software. If you decide to utilize a release involving third-party software, you do so entirely at your own risk and subject to the applicable third party’s terms and conditions of the use of such software. No information obtained by you from N-able or this documentation shall create any warranty for such software.
Any issues or problems with the integration are to be raised with HaloPSA support initially as the integration is a product of HaloPSA.