How can I view email headers in different email applications?
An email header provides technical details about an email message which allow you to troubleshoot delivery problems. Information contained in the email header includes who sent the message and the email servers that it passed through on its way to the recipient. The following describes how to find email headers in various email clients.
To view email headers in Mail Assure, see View Message Content.

The email files are in an html format. The objective is to save the file in html format. This can be done as follows:
- Open the email message you want to save, as if you were reading it
- Near the top, at the bottom of the To: / From: section, click on Details to reveal the header
- Move mouse cursor to the top tool bar, click on File
- Click Save as...
- Identify which directory you would like to save the file in
- Provide a name of the file in the 'file name' box
- Select the 'type' as 'html' if possible. If your browser does not show 'html' type, just select the type as 'All Files' and type .html to the end of the file name generated in step 6, such as email.html
- Press Save
You can also copy and paste this information
To forward the file to someone else (law enforcement, lawyer, ISP):
- Move cursor to the top tool bar and click on Write
- Insert the email address you want to forward the file to
- Type any further information in the body of the message
- To add the html file you just generated in the above steps, click on Attachments
- When the Attachments Window opens, click on Attach
- Find the file in the directory window and highlight the file name
- Click open
- Then OK
- Now send the email by selecting Send now
The message and attached file have now been sent. Please be aware that AOL only keeps messages in your INBOX for two weeks, unless you save it as NEW or save it in a separate folder in your AOL directory on your computer.
Additionally, a screen name of TOSEMAIL1 has been identified as a source of help for unacceptable email in the AOL system. Just enter tosemail1 in the 'send to' screen. If you are outside of the AOL environment, the address is

The default option is that full headers appear at the BOTTOM of each received message.

When reading an email message, look at the toolbar just above the message itself. There should be a button that reads BLAH BLAH BLAH in black and white. Click on this and the full headers will appear. Then select all, copy and paste into a new message to send to the offender's ISP, or click on the forward button and the full headers will automatically be placed in the new email message.

In ELM, you can display the headers for the current message with the H command.

- Open the message
- Use the save to disk option
- Open the message's text file with your favorite text editor
- Copy the message from the text editor

- Click on MESSAGE
- Now select Show Full Headers
- Go to the message, click inside the message pane
- Copy the content
- Paste into a text file or forward the message to yourself or to the appropriate ISP.

- Select the message
- Navigate to Options
- Go to Preferences
- Scroll down to Headers
- Then click on Advanced Headers

Visit IBM's support portal here for details on viewing email header information.

- Select Options > Email Options or use the shortcut Ctrl-E
- Under Show Message Headers, select the full option
- Click OK to save the setting
Juno version 4+ can display MIME and HTML email, but does not provide a way of Viewing the HTML Source for the message within Juno itself. To get the full source, including HTML codes: In the Juno mail client, click File > Save Message as Text File or use the shortcut Ctrl-T.

- Open the properties box on the message
In the default installation of the Notes Client, it will be the first smart icon on the left, but you can also right-click on the document and choose properties from that menu
- Choose the second tab on the properties box, which is a list of fields and their contents
- Scroll down to the field '$additionalheaders.'
- Select the contents of the field
- Hit Ctrl+C to copy them to your clipboard
- Open a new email message, put your cursor in the body of the message, and hit Ctrl+V to paste the headers there
If Notes does not permit you to select the contents of the field, you'll have to manually copy them to a new message - please be very careful in doing so.

To read (and copy) the header using Microsoft Exchange, do the following:
- Open the message in Exchange to view it
- Choose File > Properties > Internet
- The header will be visible and will be highlighted. Right click and copy it
- Paste on the front of the message and forward it to your abuse department

To attach the full header to a message:
- Choose File > Properties
- Click on the Details tab
- This will show the full header, now right click and choose Select All
- Right click again and choose Copy
- Start a new message and Paste. This will paste the entire header into this new (and temporary) message
- Copy the header from the new message and paste it back onto the original

For those people who use Microsoft's Internet News, while viewing the message:
- Click on File > Properties
- Select the Details tab

Microsoft's knowledge-base article here.

- Go to Options > Preferences
- Scroll down to Headers
- click on Advanced Headers

To read the email header in Netscape Messenger use the Ctrl-U shortcut. A new window will open with the full message including the complete header. To copy this to a email message press Ctrl-A to highlight the entire message then Ctrl-C to copy it. Open the email message you want to send. Using the mouse, place the cursor in the body of the message, select edit / paste as quoted, from the menu bar.

Click View > document source when you're looking at the offending item. The full headers are then visible.

- Select File > Preferences
- Check the Show Article Headers box

- Select Options
- Enable Show Message Headers in Body of Message

In Pegasus, use the Ctrl-H shortcut (or the backspace key) while reading a message. You will see the full headers. Do this before hitting F to Forward the message, and the full headers will be forwarded, too. (This is true for Pegasus 2.53, at least).

Pine/Alpine support page here.

- Save the message in a directory
- Use the type command or print it
Full headers will now be displayed showing where the message was really sent from.

- While viewing the email, hit Forward on the sidebar
- Address the document to yourself
- Completely erase the subject line
- Put your cursor on the first line of the body of the message
- Hit the Enter key twice. Your cursor should now be on the 3rd line of the text area
- Type any Alt character on this line DO NOT HIT 'RETURN'
- Cut and Paste the Alt character onto the subject line. The 'Alt' character should 'jump' down to the message text-area
- Hit 'Send'
- Open the received mail