How can I add a "spam" marker to the subject line of a spam message and still deliver it?

Last Modified

Wed Feb 08 12:08 GMT 2023


  • How can we create a rule to add "spam" in the subject line, and still deliver the message?
  • We want spam emails to be delivered to the recipient with the subject line containing a warning.


  • Mail Assure


  • To add this line to the subject, you must first disable quarantine:

    If the quarantine is enabled, then spam messages will be stored in the hosted quarantine.

    1. Login to Mail Assure
    2. Under Domains Overview, select the desired domain
    3. Under Incoming - Protection Settings go to Filter Settings
    4. Deselect the Quarantine enabled option

      You will now see a banner stating "In case you want to disable the quarantine, you can set the spam notation that is added to the subject of emails classified as spam by the filtering system." above the filter settings.

    5. The Spam Notation field will now show below the Beneficial to train notation field
    6. Enter the notification text you wish to appear in the subject line of the spam messages, e.g. Spam Message, or **SPAM**
    7. Save the changes