Getting device info by Token in JSON-RPC API
To get information about a backup device by its token, use the GetAccountInfoByToken
Required parameters
Parameter | Description | Supported values |
The token of the backup device to get information for |
Optional parameters
Parameter | Description | Supported values |
A group of parameters related to the device's storage | AccountStorageInfo , (has child parameters of its own, see the AccountStorageInfo child parameters table below) |

Parameter | Description | Type/Supported values |
The ID number of the cabinet account node to assign to the device | <int> Integer |
The ID number of the home account node to assign to the device | <int> Integer |
The ID number of the cabinet storage node to assign to the device | <int> Integer |
The ID number of the home storage node to assign to the device | <int> Integer |
Sample request
{ "id": "jsonrpc", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "visa": "{{visa}}", "method": "GetAccountInfoByToken", "params": { "token": "068a53c1-a64b-45c8-a87e-0000XX0000X0Xx0" } }
Sample response
{ "id": "jsonrpc", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "accountStorageInfo": { "CabinetAccountNodeId": 1234567, "CabinetStorageNodeId": 2345678, "HomeAccountNodeId": 3456789, "HomeStorageNodeId": 4567890 }, "result": { "CreationTime": 1530535000, "ExpirationTime": 1790640000, "Id": 654321, "LocationId": 1, "Name": "device1", "NameAlias": null, "OverrideVirtual": "Default", "PartnerId": 13579, "Password": "XXXXXXXXXX", "ProductId": 28345, "RemovalTime": 0, "StorageId": 0, "StorageLocationId": 1, "Token": "068a53c1-a64b-45c8-a87e-0000XX0000X0Xx0", "Type": "BackupManager" } }, "visa": "{{visa}}" }