Getting Customer Information by UID in JSON-RPC API

To get information on a customer using the customer's UID, use the GetPartnerInfoByUid method.

Required parameters

Parameter Description Supported values

The UID of the customer the device is created for (retrieved through the GetPartnerInfo method)


Sample request

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "visa": "{{visa}}",
    "method": "GetPartnerInfoByUid",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": {
	"partnerUid": "abcdef-1234-5678-ghij-lmn901e162e9"

Sample response

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
	"result": {
	    "AdvancedPartnerProperties": {
		"RegionId": 0,
		"ResponsibleUserId": 0
	    "ChildServiceTypes": [
	    "Company": {
		"BankAccountNumber": "",
		"BillingContactPersonId": 0,
		"ChamberOfCommerceNumber": "111FF1000",
		"FaxNumber": "+121340000",
		"LegalCompanyName": "Zeus & Sons",
		"PhoneNumber": "+234567890000",
		"PostAddress": {
		    "Address": "1 Godly Road",
		    "City": "Olympus",
		    "Country": "Greece",
		    "ZipCode": "ABC123"
		    "VatNumber": "CY99999999L",
		    "WebsiteAddress": ""
	    "CreationTime": 1464945793,
	    "ExternalCode": "",
	    "Flags": null,
	    "Guid": "a12b3c4d-567e-8f90-gh12-i345j678k90l",
	    "Id": 12345,
	    "Level": "Distributor",
	    "LocationId": 1,
	    "MailFrom": "",
	    "MailingOption": "Undefined",
	    "Name": "Zeus & Sons",
	    "ParentId": 23456,
	    "PrivateFlags": null,
	    "Privilege": "Regular",
	    "RegistrationOrigin": "Domestic",
	    "ServiceType": "AllInclusive",
	    "State": "InTrial",
	    "TrialExpirationTime": 1467537793,
	    "TrialRegistrationTime": 1464945793,
	    "Uid": "abcdef-1234-5678-ghij-lmn901e162e9"
    "visa": "{{visa}}"