Getting Customer Information By ID in JSON-RPC API

To get information on a customer using the customer's ID, use the GetPartnerInfoById method.

Required parameters

Parameter Description Supported values

The ID of the customer the device is created for (retrieved through the GetPartnerInfo method)

<int> Integer

Sample request

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "visa": "{{visa}}",
    "method": "GetPartnerInfoById",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": {
	"partnerId": 12345

Sample response

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
	"result": {
		"AdvancedPartnerProperties": {
			"RegionId": 0,
			"ResponsibleUserId": 0
		"ChildServiceTypes": [
		"Company": {
			"BankAccountNumber": "",
			"BillingContactPersonId": 0,
			"ChamberOfCommerceNumber": "111FF1000",
			"FaxNumber": "+121340000",
			"LegalCompanyName": "Zeus & Sons",
			"PhoneNumber": "+234567890000",
			"PostAddress": {
				"Address": "1 Godly Road",
				"City": "Olympus",
				"Country": "Greece",
				"ZipCode": "ABC123"
			"VatNumber": "CY99999999L",
			"WebsiteAddress": ""
		"CreationTime": 1464945793,
		"ExternalCode": "",
		"Flags": null,
		"Id": 12345,
		"Level": "Distributor",
		"LocationId": 1,
		"MailFrom": "",
		"MailingOption": "Undefined",
		"Name": "Zeus & Sons",
		"ParentId": 23456,
		"PrivateFlags": null,
		"Privilege": "Regular",
		"RegistrationOrigin": "Domestic",
		"ServiceType": "AllInclusive",
		"State": "InTrial",
		"TrialExpirationTime": 1467537793,
		"TrialRegistrationTime": 1464945793,
		"Uid": "abcdef-1234-5678-ghij-lmn901e162e9",
		"UpdatePackagesMaxAllowedVersion": ""
    "visa": "{{visa}}"