Enumerating customers in JSON-RPC API

To get the list of customers for your own company or your customers, use the EnumeratePartners method.

Required parameters

Parameter Description Supported values
parentPartnerId The ID of the parent customer <int> Integer

Optional parameters

Parameter Description Supported values
fetchRecursively The range of customers to retrieve

bool Boolean

  • true (returns the full list of customers)
  • false (returns only 1 level of customers)
fields Lets you specify the type of information you need


Numbers of fields separated by a comma in square brackets:

  • 0 - Name
  • 1 - Level
  • 3 - ChildServiceTypes
  • 4 - ServiceType
  • 5 - State
  • 8 - LocationId
  • 9 - Flags
  • 10 - Company info
  • 18 - ExternalCode, MailFrom
  • 20 - CreationTime

Sample request

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "visa": "{{visa}}",
    "method": "EnumeratePartners",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": {
	    "parentPartnerId": 12345,
	    "fields": [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8],
	    "fetchRecursively": true

Sample response

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
	"result":	[
		    "Company": {"PostAddress": null},
		    "ExternalPartnerProperties": null,
		    "Id": 45678,
		    "Level": "SubDistributor",
		    "LocationId": 1,
		    "Name": "WindowsDevices",
		    "ParentId": 12345,
		    "ServiceType": "AllInclusive",
		    "State": "InTrial"
		    "Company": {"PostAddress": null},
		    "ExternalPartnerProperties": null,
		    "Id": 34567,
		    "Level": "SubDistributor",
		    "LocationId": 1,
		    "Name": "LinuxDevices",
		    "ParentId": 12345,
		    "ServiceType": "AllInclusive",
		    "State": "Registered"
		    "ChildServiceTypes": null,
		    "Company": {"PostAddress": null},
		    "ExternalPartnerProperties": null,
		    "Id": 23456,
		    "Level": "EndCustomer",
		    "LocationId": 1,
		    "Name": "Zeus & Sons",
		    "ParentId": 12345,
		    "ServiceType": "AllInclusive",
		    "State": "Registered"
    "visa": "{{visa}}"