Enumerating child customers in JSON-RPC API

To get the list of child customers for your own company or your customers, use the EnumerateChildPartners method.

Required parameters

Parameter Description Supported values
partnerId The ID of the customer <int> Integer
range Provide a display range of how many child customers to display <std::size_t>
partnerFilter Provide additional criteria to filter the list of child customers by

PartnerTreeFilter, (has child parameters of its own see the PartnerTreeFilter table below)

Sample request

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "visa": "{{visa}}",
    "method": "EnumerateChildPartners",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": {
	    "partnerId": 12345

Sample response

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
	"result": {
	    "ActualChildCount": 7,
	    "Children": null,
	    "Info": {
		"AdvancedPartnerProperties": {
		    "RegionId": 8
		"ChildServiceTypes": [
		"Company": {
		    "BankAccountNumber": "0",
		    "BillingContactPersonId": 019283,
		    "ChamberOfCommerceNumber": "",
		    "FaxNumber": "",
		    "LegalCompanyName": "Zeus & Sons",
		    "PhoneNumber": "",
		    "PostAddress": {
			"Address": "x",
			"City": "x",
			"Country": "NL",
			"District": "",
			"State": "",
			"ZipCode": ""
		"VatNumber": "AB123 456789",
		"WebsiteAddress": ""
	    "CreationTime": 1879064897,
	    "ExternalCode": "",
	    "ExternalPartnerProperties": {
		"GreatPlainsId": 09876,
		"Properties": [
	    "Flags": [
	    "Guid": "123a4567-8901-2bcd-ef34-56g7h89i0123",
	    "Id": 1,
	    "Level": "Root",
	    "LocationId": 1,
	    "MailFrom": "backup@n-able.com",
	    "Name": "IASO",
	    "ParentId": 0,
	    "PrivateFlags": null,
	    "RegistrationOrigin": "Undefined",
	    "ServiceType": "AllInclusive",
	    "State": "InProduction",
	    "TrialExpirationTime": 0,
	    "TrialRegistrationTime": 0,
	    "Uid": "z09yxw87-6v5u-4ts3-rq2p-o10nm987l6k5j4"
    "visa": "{{visa}}"