Adding backup devices in JSON-RPC API

To add a backup device, use the AddAccount method. Devices are added one at a time.

Required parameters

Parameter Description Type/Supported values
accountInfo A group of parameters related to the device AccountInfo, (has child parameters of its own see the AccountInfo child parameters table below)

Optional parameters

Parameter Description Type/Supported values


A group of parameters related to the storage node StorageNodeInfo, (has child parameters of its own, see the HomeNodeInfo child parameters table below)

Sample request

The below example covers creating a very basic device with the minimum information. Once created in the Management Console, this device can be edited as needed, or changes can be made using the ModifyAccount method.

    "id": "jsonrpc",
    "visa": "{{visa}}",
    "method": "AddAccount",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "params": {
	"accountInfo": {
		"Name": "test-device",
		"PartnerId": 33495,
		"ProductId": 1,
		"LocationId": 1

Sample response
