Syntax for advanced filter in Management Console

Please note, we have new filter expressions which should be used as soon as you are able. These can be found here.

Advanced filter syntax consists of numbers, identifiers and function calls, joined with comparison operators. The list of supported operands is below.

Operand Description
true, false Boolean
"foo", 'bar' String
123, 234 Integer number
123.456, 0.5 Floating-point (real) number
foo, bar.baz Identifier
foo(), Function call

Identifiers and function calls are evaluated to booleans, strings and numbers during expression evaluation, thus they could appear anywhere those simple types are allowed.

Operators have precedence above each other, meaning some of them will be evaluated before others. Here is the list of operators in the descending order.

Operators Description Example
. Dot operator, used to access object properties and methods,
+ Unary operation plus and minus operators +foo, –bar
* / % Multiplication, division and modulus operations foo * bar
+ Addition and subtraction operators foo – bar
==!= < > <= >= Equal, not equal, less, greater, less or equal, greater or equal operators foo != bar
<> Alias for !=
=~ Match operator; right-hand operand is a string containing wildcard expression to match left-hand operand foo =~ "bar*"
in Set inclusion operator foo in (bar1, bar2)
! not Logical negation operator !foo , not foo =~ "bar*"
&& and Logical conjunction operator foo1 == bar1 && foo2 != bar2
|| or Logical disjunction operator foo1 == bar1 || foo2 != bar2

Boolean expressions

Any complete expression used as display style match expression and any part of this expression used as operand with comparison, match and logical operators has to evaluate to boolean. It is also possible to use expressions evaluating string and numeric values, in which case they will be cast to boolean by the following rules:

Operand type Description
Boolean As is
String True if not empty, false otherwise
Integer/Real Number True if not zero, false otherwise

Management extensions

There are some useful extensions present to ease expressions writing.

Time duration extensions

All time-related operations are performed in seconds. Though you may write 5 * 60 to express 5 minutes, it is more readable and convenient to use one of the following helper functions:

Function Description
day(), days() Aliases, return X days as a number of seconds
hour(), hours() Aliases, return X hours as a number of seconds
minute(), minutes() Aliases, return X minutes as a number of seconds
month(), months() Aliases, return X months as a number of seconds (approximating to 30 days in one month)
second(), seconds() Aliases, return X itself
week(), weeks() Aliases, return X weeks as a number of seconds
year(), years() Aliases, return X years as a number of seconds (approximating to 365.25 days in one year)

For an example, see the "Duration Object" section.

Size extensions

All size-related operations are performed in bytes. You may as well write 15 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 to express 15 gigabytes, but it is easier to use one of the following helpers:

Function Description
kilo(), kibi() Return X kilo- (×1000) or kibibytes (×1024) as a number of bytes
mega(), mebi() Return X mega- (×10002) or mebibytes (×10242) as a number of bytes
giga(), gibi() Return X giga- (×10003) or gibibytes (×10243) as a number of bytes
tera(), tebi() Return X tera- (×10004) or tebibytes (×10244) as a number of bytes
peta(), pebi() Return X peta- (×10005) or pebibytes (×10245) as a number of bytes
exa(), exbi() Return X exa- (×10006) or exbibytes (×10246) as a number of bytes
zetta(), zebi() Return X zetta- (×10007) or zebibytes (×10247) as a number of bytes
yotta(), yobi() Return X yotta- (×10008) or yobibytes (×10248) as a number of bytes

For example, you could write us > 10.giga() && us < 20.tera() to select devices with used storage size between 10 gigabytes and 20 terabytes.

If you feel uncomfortable with those units differences, please refer to Wikipedia article on binary prefixes.

Duration Object

When there is a need in comparing time column values against some time relative to another, these helper functions may come in handy:

Function Description
until(T) Return Time object corresponding to X seconds before T
ago() Alias to X.until(
since(T) Return Time object corresponding to X seconds after T
from_now() Alias to X.since(

For example, you can write ts < 20.minutes().ago() to select devices which have been inactive for the last 20 minutes.

Time Class

Function Description
now() Return Time object corresponding to current time

For example, you could write ts > to select devices with incorrect time settings (naturally, no device could report its last activity time which is later than the current time).

Session Class

Number Property Description
1 In progress The session is still running.
2 Failed The session failed.
3 Aborted The session was aborted.
5 Completed The session was successful.
6 Interrupted The session was interrupted because of a BackupFP crash during the system's scanning at the beginning of the session
7 Not Started The device has no sessions at all
8 Completed With Errors The last session was completed with errors
9 In Progress With Faults A corresponding session status
10 Over Quota The selection exceeds the limits

For example, you can write t0 in (Session.Completed, Session.CompletedWithErrors) to select devices having the "Completed" or "Completed with errors" total session status.