Update Backup Manager

In the newest versions of Cove Data Protection (Cove)'s Backup Manager, the auto-update feature ensures that Backup Manager is always up-to-date.

You can, however, update manually by following these instructions:

  1. Log in to the Management Console under a SuperUser account
  2. Navigate to Management > Downloads in the vertical menu
  3. In the Backup Manager section, click Update Backup Manager

  4. Select the appropriate file for your operating system from:
    1. Download Windows
    2. Download macOS
    3. Download Linux x86
    4. Download Linux x64
  5. Once the file has downloaded, take this to the backup device you wish to update and run the installer file

Ways to run the installation package:

  • Double-click on the installer executable
  • Submit the name of the installer to command line, terminal emulator or a software distribution system. For example: cove#24.10.102#ab1234c5-67d8-9ef0-g1h2-i34j56k789lm#.exe or cove#24.10.102#ab1234c5-67d8-9ef0-g1h2-i34j56k789lm#.run

The installation is silent, so no additional pop-ups or prompts will display on the device.

Do not change the name of the installation package. It contains unique information relating to the installation.