Uninstalling Backup Manager (Linux)
The way to uninstall the Backup Manager on Linux is done using the terminal emulator.
The RUN format is default format for all versions of Backup Manager on Linux devices from 24.09 onwards.
The instructions below will also provide the command information for DEB and RPM formats
Step 1. Uninstall Backup Manager
To uninstall the Backup Manager from your Linux machine, run the command suitable for your installation package.
- Log in to the device as a root user:
% sudo -i
- Run the uninstall command depending on the installation package installed:
- RUN:
# /opt/MXB/sbin/uninstall-fp.sh
- DEB:
# apt-get -y remove --purge mxb
- RPM:
# rpm -e mxb
- RUN:
Step 2 (optional). Remove related files
You can clear all files created by the Backup Manager using the following command (suits all the Linux distributions):
- Confirm you are still logged in as the root user:
% sudo -i
- Run the remove command:
# rm -rf /opt/MXB