Expressions for advanced filter in Management Console

You can find devices in the dashboard matching more complex conditions using the advanced filter. To access it, click into the search bar and select the Advanced search option.

Please note, the old legacy notations (found here) will still work for the time being, but we would strongly recommend you change to use the below notations as soon as possible.

Statistic field types

In this notation, there are three types of statistic fields:

  • Common - All begin with the letter "I" (upper i) and be followed by a number

    Example: I24 is used to request Time Zone

  • Backup Plug-in Statistic - This is a 'per-datasource' field

    Example: D1F3 or D01F03 is used to request the selected size for the last backup session for the Files and Folders data source

  • Restore Plug-in Statistic - This is a 'per-datasource' field

    Example: D1F3R or D01F03R is used to request the selected size for the last restore session for the Files and Folders data source

When making requests for multiple data sources or fields per data source, these must be either line or comma separated. E.g. D01F03, D02F03, D03F05


For example, if you want to find the devices that back up "Files and Folders" and "System State" only using the syntax below, the advanced filter expression looks as follows:

I78 =~ 'D01D02'


  • I78: this is new notation meaning "Show active data sources"
  • D01: data source matching 'D01' for Files and Folders
  • D02: data source matching 'D02' for System State"
  • As you are using "I78" here, the data source ID must be in the new notation.

Expressions for active data sources

See the list of Backup data sources here, with the legacy shortnames detailed for ease:

Full Name New ID Legacy Shortname
Files and Folders D01 F
System State D02 S
MsSql D03 Q
VssExchange D04 X
Microsoft 365 SharePoint D05 --
NetworkShares D06 N
VssSystemState D07 S
VMware Virtual Machines D08 W
Total D09 T
VssMsSql D10 Z
VssSharePoint D11 P
Oracle D12 Y
Hyper-V D14 H
MySql D15 L
Virtual Disaster Recovery D16 V
Bare Metal Restore D17 B
Microsoft 365 Exchange D19 G
Microsoft 365 OneDrive D20 J
Microsoft 365 Teams D23 --
Removable Media -- R

Expressions for column titles

Primary device properties

Column title Short name Type of data
Device name AN String
Installation key QW String
Device ID AU String
Device group name AG String
Device name alias AL String
Customer AR String
Creation date CD Time
Expiration date ED Time
Retention Policy PN String
Retention Policy ID PD String
Retention units RU String
Email EM String

Installation details

Column title Short name Type of data
Client version VN String
Computer name MN String
Computer manufacturer MF String
Computer model MO String
OS version ? OS String
OS type ? OT
  • 1 – workstation
  • 2 – server
  • 0 – undefined
MAC address MA String
Internal IPs IP String
Time offset TZ Number

Storage info

Column title Short name Type of data
Storage location ? LN String
Used storage US Size
Storage status YS
  • -2 – Offline
  • -1 – Failed
  • 0 – Undefined
  • 50 – Running
  • 100 – Synchronized

Feature usage

Column title Short name Type of data
Active data sources AP String
  • 0 – Disabled
  • 1 – Enabled
LSV status YV
  • -2 – Offline
  • -1 – Failed
  • 0 – Undefined
  • 50 – Running
  • 100 – Synchronized
  • 0 – Disabled
  • 1 – Enabled
SBI status IT
  • 1 – In process
  • 2 – Failed
  • 3 – Aborted
  • 5 – Completed
  • 6 – Interrupted
  • 7 – NotStarted
  • 8 – CompletedWithErrors
  • 9 – InProgressWithFaults
  • 10 – OverQuota
  • 11 – NoSelection
  • 12 – Restarted
Seeding mode IS
  • 0 – Undefined
  • 1 – Normal
  • 2 – Seeding
  • 3 – PreSeeding
  • 4 – PostSeeding


Column title Short name Type of data
Archived size AS String
Account type AT String
Dashboard frequency DF Bitmask
Dashboard language DL String
Activity description DS String
External IPs EI String
Number of ESX virtual machines EN String
Encryption status ES String
Number of Hyper-V virtual machines HN String
SKU KU String
Profile OP String
Own user name OU String
Profile version OV String
Customer reference PF String
SKU of the previous month PU String
Restore email REM String
Restore dashboard frequency RDF Bitmask
Restore dashboards language RDL String
Time stamp TS Unix time
Proxy type PT String

Backup statistics per data source (continued)

Column title System State Files and Folders MySQL Network Shares VSS MS SQL Exchange Stores
Status S0 F0 L0 N0 Z0 X0
Number of files in selection S1 F1 L1 N1 Z1 X1
Number of changed files S2 F2 L2 N2 Z2 X2
Selected size S3 F3 L3 N3 Z3 X3
Processed size S4 F4 L4 N4 Z4 X4
Sent size S5 F5 L5 N5 Z5 X5
Protected size S6 F6 L6 N6 Z6 X6
Number of errors S7 F7 L7 N7 Z7 X7
Session duration SA FA LA NA ZA XA
Last successful session SL FL LL NL ZL XL
Status of the last successful session SQ FQ LQ NQ ZQ XQ
Status of the last completed session SJ FJ LJ NJ ZJ XJ
Time stamp of the last completed session SO FO LO NO ZO XO
Retention SR FR LR NR ZR XR
Color bar – last 28 days SB FB LB NB ZB XB
Session verification details SK FK LK NK ZK XK
License items count - - - NI - -

Backup statistics per data source (continued)

Column title Total backup SharePoint data Oracle VMware virtual machines Hyper-V data
Status T0 P0 Y0 W0 H0
Selected count T1 P1 Y1 W1 H1
Number of files in selection T P2 Y2 W2 H2
Changed count T2 P3 Y3 W3 H3
Number of changed files - P4 Y4 W4 H4
Selected size T3 P5 Y5 W5 H5
Processed size T4 P6 Y6 W6 H6
Sent size T5 P7 Y7 W7 H7
Protected size T6 PA YA WA HA
Errors T7 PL YL WL HL
Number of errors - PQ YQ WQ HQ
Session Duration - PJ YJ WJ HJ
Last successful session TL PO YO WO HO
Last successful session status - PR YR WR HR
Status of the last successful session TQ PB YB WB HB
Last session status TJ PK YK WK HK
Status of the last completed session - - - WI HI
Time stamp of the last completed session TO - - - -
Session verification details TK - - - -
M365 billable users (Previously Protected user mailboxes) TM - - - -
M365 offboarded billable users D9F27 - - - -

Backup Statistics per Microsoft 365 Service

Column title M365 Exchange M365 OneDrive M365 SharePoint M365 Teams
Status G0 J0 D5F0 D23F0
Number of files in selection G1 J1 D5F1 D23F1
Number of changed files G2 J2 D5F2 D23F2
Selected size G3 J3 D5F3 D23F3
Processed size G4 J4 D5F4 D23F4
Sent size G5 J5 D5F5 D23F5
Protected size G6 J6 D5F7 D23F7
Number of errors G7 J7 D5F6 D23F6
Session Duration GA JA D5F12 D23F12
Color bar – last 28 days GB JB D5F8 D23F8
Status of the last completed session GJ JJ D5F17 D23F17
Session verification details GK JK D5F19 D23F19
Last successful session GL JL D5F9 D23F9
Protected user mailboxes GM JM D5F20 -
Time stamp of the last completed session GO JO D5F18 D23F18
Status of the last successful session GQ JQ D5F16 D23F16
Retention GR JR D5F14 D23F14
Protected shared mailboxes G@ - - -
Protected sites - - D5F22 -
Protected owners - - - D23F20
Protected teams - - - D23F23
Protected channels - - - D23F24
Protected messages - - - D23F25
Auto add new entities AA3147 AA3148 AA3149 AA3150

Status outputs are displayed as one of the following numeric values:

Value Meaning
[1] InProcess
[2] Failed
[3] Aborted
[5] Completed
[6] Interrupted
[7] NotStarted
[8] CompletedWithErrors
[9] InProgressWithFaults
[10] OverQuota
[11] NoSelection
[12] Restarted

Restore statistics per data source

Column title System State Files and Folders Bare Metal Recovery data Virtual Disaster Recovery data MySQL Network Shares VSS MS SQL Exchange stores
Status (restore) RS0 RF0 RB0 RV0 RL0 RN0 RZ0 RX0
Number of files in selection (restore) RS1 RF1 RB1 RV1 RL1 RN1 RZ1 RX1
Number of changed files (restore) RS2 RF2 RB2 RV2 RL2 RN2 RZ2 RX2
Selected size (restore) RS3 RF3 RB3 RV3 RL3 RN3 RZ3 RX3
Processed size (restore) RS4 RF4 RB4 RV4 RL4 RN4 RZ4 RX4
Sent size (restore) RS5 RF5 RB5 RV5 RL5 RN5 RZ5 RX5
Number of errors (restore) RS7 RF7 RB7 RV7 RL7 RN7 RZ7 RX7
Session duration (restore) RSA RFA RBA RVA RLA RNA RZA RXA
Last successful session (restore) RSL RFL RBL RVL RLL RNL RZL RXL
Status of the last successful session (restore) RSQ RFQ RBQ RVQ RLQ RNQ RZQ RXQ
Status of the last completed session (restore) RSJ RFJ - RVJ RLJ RNJ RZJ RXJ
Time stamp of the last completed session (restore) RSO RFO RBO RVO RLO RNO RZO RXO
Color bar – last 28 days (restore) RSB RFB RBB RVB RLB RNB RZB RXB
Session verification details (restore) RSK RFK RBK RVK RLK RNK RZK RXK

Restore statistics per data source (continued)

Column title Total SharePoint data Oracle VMware virtual machines Hyper-V data
Status (restore) RT0 RP0 RY0 RW0 RH0
Number of files in selection (restore) RT1 RP1 RY1 RW1 RH1
Number of changed files (restore) RT2 RP2 RY2 RW2 RH2
Selected size (restore) RT3 RP3 RY3 RW3 RH3
Processed size (restore) RT4 RP4 RY4 RW4 RH4
Sent size (restore) RT5 RP5 RY5 RW5 RH5
Number of errors (restore) RT7 RP7 RY7 RW7 RH7
Session duration (restore) - RPA RYA RWA RHA
Last successful session (restore) RTL RPL RYL RWL RHL
Status of the last successful session (restore) RTQ RPQ RYQ RWQ RHQ
Status of the last completed session (restore) RTJ RPJ RYJ RWJ RHJ
Time stamp of the last completed session (restore) RTO RPO RYO RWO RHO
Color bar – last 28 days (restore) RTB RPB RYB RWB RHB
Session verification details (restore) RTK RPK RYK RWK RHK
Protected user mailboxes (restore) RTM - - - -

Restore Statistics per Microsoft 365 Service

Column title M365 Exchange M365 OneDrive M365 SharePoint M365 Teams
Status (restore) RG0 RJ0 D5F0R D23F0R
Number of files in selection (restore) RG1 RJ1 D5F1R D23F1R
Number of changed files (restore) RG2 RJ2 D5F2R D23F2R
Selected size (restore) RG3 RJ3 D5F3R D23F3R
Processed size (restore) RG4 RJ4 D5F4R D23F4R
Sent size (restore) RG5 RJ5 D5F5R D23F5R
Number of errors (restore) RG7 RJ7 D5F6R D23F6R
Session duration (restore) RGA RJA D5F12R D23F12R
Color bar – last 28 days (restore) RGB RJB D5F8R D23F8R
Status of the last completed session (restore) RGJ RJJ D5F17R D23F17R
Session verification details (restore) RGK RJK D5F19R D23F19R
Protected user mailboxes (restore) RGM RJM D5F20R -
Time stamp of the last completed session (restore) RGO RJO D5F18R D23F18R
Status of the last successful session (restore) RGQ RJQ D5F16R D23F16R
Last successful session (restore) RGL RJL D5F9R D23F9R
Protected shared mailboxes (restore) RG@ - - -
Protected sites (restore) - - D5F22R -
Protected teams - - - D23F23R
Protected channels - - - D23F24R
Protected messages - - - D23F25R