
You may configure the Backup Manager to use a Proxy from this tab.

Enable Proxy

  1. Enable Use Proxy by placing a check in the box
  2. Provide the proxy details:
    • Proxy - select from one of the following proxy types:
      • HTTP
      • SOCKS4
      • SOCKS5
    • Proxy Server - provide the proxy address
    • Port - Enter the port to use, the default is 1080
  3. Save the changes


Once the proxy is enabled, the Authorization section becomes available. To use these:

  1. Enable Use authorization settings by placing a check in the box
  2. Provide authorization details:
    • Username - Enter a username with sufficient credentials to access the proxy server e.g. domain\username or username
    • Password - Enter the password for the user
  3. Save the changes


You must make sure to save any changes you make before moving away from this page.