Sending remote commands to backup devices

You can manage the devices belonging to your company and your customers through remote commands. Some of the typical actions that can be performed remotely are:

  • start or cancel a backup
  • edit a backup schedule
  • update the backup software

Be aware, if a remote command is sent to a device when it is offline, the remote command will not be processed until the device comes back online. This is because remote commands are sent via the cloud to the storage node and then on from the storage node to the device.

The Documents solution does not support remote commands. So if you select such a device, the Remote Commands option will be disabled.


  1. Select one or more devices and click Remote commands on the toolbar
  2. Select the command you want to submit
  3. Configure Parameters for remote commands (if applicable)
  4. Click Send

Syntax for parameters:

  • Enter parameters one per line
  • After the name of a parameter, enter a space and then a value, for example datasources Fs
  • Use a comma (,) without spaces to separate the names of data sources, days, weeks and months, for example unlimitedDays Thursday,Saturday
  • Use a vertical bar (|) without spaces to separate backup filters, for example add *.doc|*.txt|*.xlsx

Primary commands

  • Backup now – starts a backup for the selected device. Unless specified otherwise, all data sources included into the backup selection are backed up
  • Cancel backups in progress – cancels all backup sessions that are currently in progress on the selected device(s). No parameters are necessary

    All in progress restores will also be canceled.

  • Restart backup process - use this command to restart the internal process associated with Backup Manager. No parameters are necessary
  • Set Backup Manager password – use this command to limit access to Backup Manager. It will be necessary to enter the password you have assigned to open Backup Manager. All the preferences stay unchanged and backups continue running according to the schedule
  • Update Backup Manager – updates the backup software to the latest version. No parameters are necessary

Secondary Commands

  • Check Consistency - checks stability of the devices storage and allows any issues found to be repaired. Unless specified, all aspects will be included in the check
  • Check LSV Consistency - checks stability of the Local Speed Vault or the device selected
  • Clear backup selections – removes backup selections from data sources
  • Recheck backup selections - enables Backup Manager to perform a full scanning of the backup selection during the next backup session
  • Restore – initiates data recovery. Unless specified otherwise, all data sources included into the backup selection are restored
  • Set backup archiving – enables the archiving of selected backup sessions (archived sessions will not be deleted from the cloud after their retention period expires)
  • Set backup bandwidth – enables bandwidth limitation during backup and restore sessions
  • Set backup filter – applies filters to the backup selection
  • Set backup scheduling – sets a backup schedule for the selected device
  • Set backup selection – lets you configure the backup selection for the selected device
  • Set backup settings – lets you configure different settings for the selected device
  • Set logging level – sets a custom logging level

Advanced commands

There is a group of advanced commands reserved for some special cases. We do not recommend using them unless instructed by a support engineer.

  • Force Activity Start - forces any periodical activity to start
  • Force commit backup register - allows re-checking and committing of a backup register. No parameters are required
  • Force Update Backup Register - in order to specify tables for updating, fill the names of tables separated by a space in the parameters box

    this is a legacy command only for use with older versions of (15x and 16x of Cove Data Protection) and is used to update the backup register.

  • Ignore revision - sends an ignore command in case of an issue with the revision number's synchronization. No parameters are necessary
  • Start Over - this resets the device as if it were a brand new installation. Before sending this command, you should rename the storage folder for the device. No parameters are necessary
  • Upload audit – updates audit information for the selected device on a remote server. No parameters are necessary
  • Upload logs – Service providers and system administrators who have access to the storage can upload application logs from the selected device there

Parameters for remote commands

Backup now

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
datasources The data sources to back up. No
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
  • all (default value)

Here are some examples.

  • Run a backup for all data sources:
  • datasources all
  • Run a backup for Files and Folders and System State:
  • datasources Fs,SystemState

Set Backup Manager password

Parameter Definition Supported values
password Enter the password that will be required to start Backup Manager


  • To disable the feature, submit the parameter with no value.
  • To reset the current password, submit the command with a new password.
restore_only The parameter sets Backup Manager to the restore-only mode when the GUI password is enabled.
  • allow
  • disallow

Here are some examples.

  • Set new password and set the device to Restore-Only mode when the password is set:
  • password 213TestingS3curE
    restore_only allow
  • Remove password and allow full mode if a new password is set:
  • password
    restore_only disallow

Check Consistency

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
level What do you want to check No
  • MissingCabinets
  • MissingSlices
  • WrongCabinetLocations
repair Would you like the check to repair any issues found No
  • true
  • false

Here is an example.

  • Check for and repair any missing cabinets and slices found:
  • level MissingCabinets,MissingSlices
    repair true

Clear backup selections

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
datasources The data sources to remove selections from. Yes
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
  • all (default value)

Here are some examples.

  • Remove all data sources:
  • datasources all
  • Remove Files and Folders and Ms SharePoint data sources:
  • datasources Fs,VssSharePoint

Recheck backup selections

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
datasources The data sources to re-check. No
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
  • all (default value)

Here are some examples.

  • Check all data sources:
  • datasources all
  • Check just Files and Folders and System State:
  • datasources Fs,SystemState


Parameter Definition Required Supported values
datasource The data sources you want to recover data from (one at a time). Yes
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
restore_to The directory you want to recover the data to. If the parameter is skipped or if no value is submitted, the recovery will be performed to the original location (in-place restore). No A path, for example C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Reports
selection The file or directory to restore. If the parameter is skipped or if no value is submitted, all data from the selected session is restored. No A path, for example C:\Users\Admin\Desktop
time The session to restore (identified by the date and time). Yes A time and date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Here are some examples.

  • Restore all data sources to the Restore folder in Documents folder from the backup session at 1am on the 1st of December 2019:
  • datasource all
    restore_to C:\Users\user_name\Documents\Restore
    time 2019-12-01 01:00:00
  • Restore just the given files from File System to the Restore folder in Documents from the backup session at 1am on the 1st of December 2019:
  • datasources Fs
    restore_to C:\Users\user_name\Documents\Restore
    selection C:\Users\user_name\Documents\MyProjects\
    selection C:\Users\user_name\Desktop\SystemInformation-do-not-overwrite.txt
    time 2019-12-01 01:00:00

Set backup archiving

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
clear Removes all matching archived sessions (or all archived sessions if no filters are set up). The sessions are removed from the cloud and become unavailable for recovery. The action is irreversible. No N/A
datasources The data sources to archive Yes
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
  • all (default value)
name The name to assign to the new archiving rule. Yes Text
time The time when to enable archiving. The archiving rule will be applied to the nearest backup session that starts after this time. Yes Time in the following format: HH:MM
months The months during which to enable archiving. Yes Any of the following:
  • Jan
  • Feb
  • Mar
  • Apr
  • May
  • Jun
  • Jul
  • Aug
  • Sep
  • Oct
  • Nov
  • Dec
  • all

The days of the week on which archiving must be performed.

This parameter requires the monthweeks parameter and cannot be used together with the monthdays parameter in the same remote command.

  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat
  • Sun

The weeks during which archiving must be performed.

This parameter requires the weekday parameter and cannot be used together with the monthdays parameter in the same remote command.

Yes (unless the monthdays parameter is used) Any of the following:
  • first
  • second
  • third
  • fourth
  • last
  • all

Multiple values can be submitted.


The days of the month on which archiving must be performed.

This parameter cannot be used together with weekday and monthweeks in the same remote command.

Yes The numbers of days separated by a comma (e.g. 1,3,5) or a slash for periods (e.g. 5-15).

Here are some examples.

  • A one-time archiving rule:
  • name Feb-2018 archive
    datasources Fs,VssSharePoint
    months Feb
    monthdays last
    time 07:00
  • A recurring archiving rule:
  • datasources Fs,VssShname Weekly archive (recurring)
    time 07:00
    weekday Sat
    monthweeks all
    months all

Set backup bandwidth

Parameter Definition Supported values
enable The current state of the bandwidth limitation feature
  • true – enabled
  • false – disabled
start Start time of the bandwidth limitation (24-hour time format) Time (HH:MM)
stop End time of the bandwidth limitation (24-hour time format) Time (HH:MM)
upload Maximum upload bandwidth during the specified time interval (kbit/s). Applies to backup sessions. Number or unlimited for unlimited bandwidth
download Maximum download bandwidth during the specified time interval (kbit/s). Applies to recovery sessions. Number or unlimited for unlimited bandwidth
unlimitedDays The days of the week on which bandwidth limitation must be disabled
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

The names of data sources that must not be backed up during the bandwidth limitation period (active backup sessions for them will be aborted when the limitation period starts).

  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
  • all (default value)

In the following example, bandwidth limitation is enabled and applied between 08:30 and 18:30 Monday to Friday. The maximum upload (backup) bandwidth is capped at 5000 kbit/s (5 mbit/s), download (restore) bandwidth is not restricted. During the bandwidth limitation period, System State, MS SQL, VMware, MS SharePoint, Hyper-V and MySQL backups will not run.

enable true
start 08:30
stop 18:30
upload 5000
download unlimited
unlimitedDays Saturday,Sunday
datasources SystemState,VssMsSql,VMWare,VssSharePoint,VssHyperV,MySql

Set backup filter

At least 1 parameter is required.

Parameter Definition Supported values
add Adds a new filter One or more filters separated by a vertical bar (|). Sample filters are provided below.
del Deletes existing filters One or more filters separated by a vertical bar (|)
clean Deletes all filters that are currently applied to the backup selection N/A

Filter formatting tips:

  • The asterisk (*) represents zero, any or all characters.
  • The question mark wildcard (?) represents any single character.

Here are some sample filters:

  • a* – Excludes all files starting with the letter a.
  • *.mp3 – Excludes all files with the .mp3 extension.
  • C:\data\*.* – Excludes all files from C:\data\ path.
  • C:\data\*.mp3 – Excludes all .mp3 files from C:\data\.
  • C:\data\*.m?? – Excludes all files from C:\data\ with a three character extension starting with .m and ending with any two other characters, such as (.mob, .mov, .mpa, .mpg, .mp3, etc).

Set backup scheduling

Parameter Definition Supported values
clear Remove all backup schedules from the device N/A
datasources The names of data sources to include into the backup schedule
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
  • all (default value)
name The name to assign to the schedule (for your own reference) Text
time Indicates when to start backup according to the schedule Time in the following format: "HH:MM"
days The days on which backup must be performed
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat
  • Sun
  • all

Here are some examples.

  • Set a schedule to backup File System, System State, MsSql and Exchange at 8pm every week day with the name 'Daily backup':
  • datasources Fs,SystemState,MsSql,Exchange
    name Daily backup
    time 20:00
    days Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri
  • Remove all schedules from the device:
  • clear

    Be aware, this will delete the schedule for the backup and mean that no backup will run on the device(s) - even if you have a data source selection configured.

Set backup selection

Parameter Definition Supported values
datasource The names of data sources to include into the backup selection
  • Fs – Files and Folders
  • SystemState – System State
  • MsSql – MS SQL
  • Exchange – MS Exchange
  • NetworkShares – Network Shares
  • VMWare – VMware
  • VssMsSql - VssMsSql
  • VssSharePoint – MS SharePoint
  • VssHyperV – Hyper-V
  • MySql – MySQL
include or + The files and directories to include into the backup selection Path
exclude or - The files and directories to exclude from the backup selection Path

Here is an example.

  • If you want to select the Files and Folders and System State data sources for backup but exclude the given path from Files and Folders you would have to split the command into two and run each part individually:
  • datasource Fs
    exclude C:\Users\user_name\Documents\MyProjects-copy\
    datasource SystemState
    include System State

Set backup settings

Parameter Definition Supported values
user A username for access to the remote server Text
password A password associated with the user name (for access to the remote server) Text
passwordPolicy Set a policy for the password such as the example given which means 'scrambled password has to contain 6 letters, one of them in a lower case, 2 numbers and 2 symbols from the set {!,$,#,%}'
  • "|" — separator of rules
  • "-" — diapason of rules
  • "," — enumeration of rules
  • ":" — separator of symbols and quantity in a rule
e.g. A-Z,a-z:6|a-z:1|0-9:2|!,$,#,%:2"
EncryptionKey Provide an Encryption Key (also known as a Security Code) for the device Text
EncryptionMethod Use the setting to change the encryption method
  • AES-128
  • AES-256 (default)
  • Blowfish-448
ConnectionCheckInterval The interval between connection checks Seconds
SynchronizationThreadCount The number of simultaneous connections during backup (determines data transfer speed) A whole number from 1 to 10
LsvSynchronizationThreadCount The number of simultaneous connections to the LocalSpeedVault during backup (determines data transfer speed) A whole number from 1 to 10
Server Server IP IP Address
UseProxy Enables a connection to the Internet through a proxy server
  • true
  • false
ProxyType The type of the proxy server to use
  • HTTP
  • SOCKS4
  • SOCKS5
ProxyAddress The host name or IP address of the proxy server "" or ""
ProxyPort The port number of the proxy server Number (0 by default)
UseProxyAuthorization Prompts the Backup Manager that the proxy requires authorization by username.
  • true – authorization required
  • false – no authorization required
ProxyUsername A username for access to the proxy server Text, for example "domain\username" or "username"
ProxyPassword The password associated with the username for access to the proxy server Text
ReconnectAttempts How many times the device will attempt to reconnect if an issue is encountered A whole number from 1 to 3
PathToLocalStorage Indicates where the local copy of the Backup Register is stored

A path. Default values:

  • Windows Vista and greater: C:\ProgramData\MXB\Backup Manager\storage\
  • Windows XP and Windows Server 2000: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\MXB\Backup Manager\storage\
  • Linux: /opt/MXB/var/storage/
  • macOS: /Library/Application Support/MXB/Backup Manager/storage/
LogsLocation The location of the application log on the hard drive

A path. Default values:

  • Windows XP and Windows Server 2003: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MXB\Backup Manager\logs\BackupFP
  • All Windows versions starting from Windows Vista (for client versions) and Windows Server 2008 (for server versions): C:\ProgramData\MXB\Backup Manager\logs\BackupFP
  • macOS: /Library/Logs/MXB/Backup Manager/BackupFP
  • GNU/Linux: /opt/MXB/var/log/BackupFP
TempDir The location of the temporary files created by Backup Manager A path (set to the system Temp directory by default)
MsSqlDeltaRestore MsSQL delta restore
  • true
  • false
SuppressCircularLoggingMessage Use this setting to hide a message prompting users to disable circular logging before backing up MS Exchange
  • true
  • false (default)
MailAddress Email address used for dashboard emails Text
MailSendPeriodicity The days on which backup reports are sent out
  • 0 – daily
  • 1 – on Wednesdays and Saturdays
  • 2 – on Saturdays
  • 3 – never
HyperV::UseSnapshotLimitsOnBackup Use HyperV snapshot limits on backup
  • true
  • false (default)
HyperV::LimitSnapshotComponentsCount Set a limit for number of components that the snapshots can include A whole number (0 for unlimited)
HyperV::LimitSnapshotSizeGB Set a limit for the maximum snapshot size A whole number (0 for unlimited)
MsSql::UseSnapshotLimitsOnBackup Use MsSQL snapshot limits on backup
  • true
  • false (default)
MsSql::LimitSnapshotComponentsCount Set a limit for number of components that the snapshots can include A whole number (0 for unlimited)
MsSql::LimitSnapshotSizeGB Set a limit for the maximum snapshot size A whole number (0 for unlimited)
BackupThreadsCount The number of connections the backup device can make at once A whole number from 1 to 10 (default is 4 even when no configuration set)
IgnoreMissedScheduledBackup Ignore a backup if the schedule is missed
  • true
  • false
LocalSpeedVaultUnavailabilityTimeoutInDays Period in days that specifies the allowable LocalSpeedVault unavailability time A whole number
ConnectTimeout Period in seconds that specifies how long is allowed until the connection times out Time in seconds. Default: 10 seconds

Here are sample proxy settings for your reference:

UseProxy true
ProxyType HTTP
ProxyPort 25
UseProxyAuthorization true
ProxyUsername kowalsky
ProxyPassword 123456

Set logging level

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
level The new logging level to apply. Yes
  • 0 - debug (includes debug, warning, error and log levels)
  • 1 - warning (includes warning, error and log levels)
  • 2 - error (include error and log levels)
  • 3 - log. This is the default

Here is an example.

  • Set logging level to debug:
  • level 0

Advanced commands

Force Update Backup Register

This is a legacy command and only works for devices running older versions of Backup Manager (15x and 16x).

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
tables Tables separated by spaces (e.g. os.d st.d). Yes A table, for example os.d

Here is an example.

  • Update the os.d and st.d tables:
  • tables os.d,st.d

Upload logs

By default, the path to the log on the storage node is as follows:

  • Windows: c:\storage\<device_name>\dumps\logs\<device_name>
  • Linux: /storage/<device_name>/dumps/logs/<device_name>

<device_name> is the name of the device the log was created for.

Parameter Definition Required Supported values
server The address of the server to upload logs to. No scheme://address:port
user A username for access to the remote server. No Text
password A password associated with the user name (for access to the remote server). No Text

Here is an example.

  • Upload logs to this server using these login details:
  • server scheme://
    user user_name
    password user_password