Expressions for advanced filter in Management Console

You can find devices in the dashboard matching certain conditions using the advanced filter. To access it, click the arrow next to the filter field and select the Advanced search option.

Please note, the old legacy notations (found here) will still work for the time being, but we would strongly recommend you change to use the below notations as soon as possible.

Statistic field types

In this notation, there are three types of statistic fields:

  • Common - All begin with the letter "I" (upper i) and be followed by a number

    Example: I24 is used to request Time Zone

  • Backup Plugin Statistic - This is a 'per-datasource' field

    Example: D01F03 is used to request the selected size for the last backup session for the Files and Folders data source

  • Restore Plugin Statistic - This is a 'per-datasource' field

    Example: D01F03R is used to request the selected size for the last restore session for the Files and Folders data source

When making requests for multiple data sources or fields per data source, these must be either line or comma separated. E.g. D01F03, D02F03, D03F05

Expressions for column titles

Primary device properties

Column Title New ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
Device ID I0 AU String
Device name I1 AN String
Device name alias I2 AL String
Password I3 QW String
Creation date I4 CD Time
Expiration date I5 ED Time
Customer I8 AR String
Product ID I9 PD Int
Product I10 PN String
Email I15 EM String
Retention units I39 RU String
Profile ID I54 OI Int

Installation details

Column Title New ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
OS version ? I16 OS String
Client version I17 VN String
Computer name I18 MN String
Internal IPs I19 IP String
MAC address I21 MA String
Time offset I24 TZ Number
OS type ? I32 OT
  • 1 – workstation
  • 2 – server
  • 0 – undefined
Computer manufacturer I44 MF String
Computer model I45 MO String
Installation ID I46 II String
Installation Mode I47 IM Int
Unattended Installation account ID I74 AI String
First Installation Flag I75 IF Int

Storage info

Column Title New ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
Storage location ? I11 LN String
Used storage I14 US Size
Cabinet Storage Efficiency I26 SE Int
Total Cabinets Count I27 CC Int
Efficient Cabinet Count 0-25 I28 E0 Int
Efficient Cabinet Count 26-50 I29 E1 Int
Efficient Cabinet Count 50-75 I30 E2 Int
Used Virtual Storage I31 UV Size
Storage status I36 YS
  • -2 – Offline
  • -1 – Failed
  • 0 – Undefined
  • 50 – Running
  • 100 – Synchronized

Feature usage

Column Title New ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
Active data sources I78 AP String
Seeding mode I33 IS
  • 0 – Undefined
  • 1 – Normal
  • 2 – Seeding
  • 3 – PreSeeding
  • 4 – PostSeeding
LSV ? I35 VE
  • 0 – Disabled
  • 1 – Enabled
LSV status I37 YV
  • -2 – Offline
  • -1 – Failed
  • 0 – Undefined
  • 50 – Running
  • 100 – Synchronized

Data source statistics fields

Column title NeW ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
Last Session Status F00 0
  • 1 – In process
  • 2 – Failed
  • 3 – Aborted
  • 5 – Completed
  • 6 – Interrupted
  • 7 – NotStarted
  • 8 – CompletedWithErrors
  • 9 – InProgressWithFaults
  • 10 – OverQuota
  • 11 – NoSelection
  • 12 – Restarted
Last Session Selected Count F01 1 Int
Last Session Processed Count F02 2 Int
Last Session Selected Size F03 3 Size
Last Session Processed Size F04 4 Size
Last Session Sent Size F05 5 Size
Last Session Errors Count F06 7 Int
Protected size F07 6 Size
Color bar – last 28 days F08 B ColourBar
Last successful session Timestamp F09 L Time
Pre Recent Session Selected Count F10 8 Int
Pre Recent Session Selected Size F11 9 Size
Session duration F12 A Int
Last Session License Items count ? F13 I Int
Retention F14 R Int
Last Session Timestamp F15 G Time
Last Successful Session Status F16 Q Status
Last Completed Session Status F17 J Status
Last Completed Session Timestamp F18 O Time
Last Session Verification Data F19 K String
Last Session User Mailboxes Count F20 M Int
Last Session Shared Mailboxes Count ? F21 @ Int

Company Information

Column Title New ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
Company Name I63 NC String
Address I64 AD String
Zip Code I65 ZP String
Country I66 CY String
City I67 CT String
Phone Number I68 PH String
Fax Number I69 FX String
Contract Name I70 CP String
Group Name I71 GN String
Demo I72 DE Int
Edu I73 EU Int
Maximum Allowed Version I76 MV String


Column Title New ID Legacy Shortname Type of data
Timestamp I6 TS Unix time
Device group name I12 AG String
Own user name I13 OU String
External IPs I20 EI String
Dashboard frequency I22 DF Bitmask
Dashboard language I23 DL String
Anti Crypto enabled I34 AC Int
Archived size I38 AS String
Activity description I40 DS String
Number of Hyper-V virtual machines I41 HN String
Number of ESX virtual machines I42 EN String
Encryption status I43 ES String
Restore email I48 REM String
Restore dashboard frequency I49 RDF Bitmask
Restore dashboards language I50 RDL String
Profile version I55 OV String
Profile I56 OP String
Stock Keeping Unit I57 KU String
Stock Keeping Unit of the previous month I58 PU String
Account type I59 AT String
Proxy Type I60 PT Int
Most Recent Restore Plugin I62 RP String
Customer reference I77 PF String
Recovery Testing I80 --
  • Disabled
  • Enabled
Physicality I81 --
  • Undefined
  • Physical
  • Virtual
Passphrase I82 --
  • Yes
  • No

Expressions for active data sources

See the list of Backup data sources here, with the legacy shortnames detailed for ease:

Full Name New ID Legacy Shortname
Files and Folders D1 F
System State D2 S
MsSql D3 Q
VssExchange D4 X
Microsoft 365 SharePoint D5 --
NetworkShares D6 N
VssSystemState D7 S
VMware Virtual Machines D8 W
Total D9 T
VssMsSql D10 Z
VssSharePoint D11 P
Hyper-V D14 H
MySql D15 L
Virtual Disaster Recovery D16 V
Bare Metal Restore D17 B
Microsoft 365 Exchange D19 G
Microsoft 365 OneDrive D20 J
Removable Media -- R


For example, if you want to find the devices that back up "Files and Folders" and "System State" only, the advanced filter expression using both notations may look as follows:

AP =~ 'S' or I78 =~ 'D01D02'


  • AP=~ 'S': this is old notation meaning "Show active data source matching 'S' for System State".
    As you are using "AP" here, the data source shortname must also be in the old notation. "AP" and "I25" can be used interchangeably.
  • I78 =~ 'D01D02': this is new notation meaning "Show active data sources matching 'D01' for Files and Folders and 'D02' for System State".
    As you are using "I78" here, the data source ID must be in the new notation.