Hardware Inventory Report Parts

Report Parts not Supported

Beginning with Release 5.0, new installations will not include Report Parts. All references from the reports are removed including datasets, structure, tables, and branding.

If you have upgraded to Release 5.0, Reports Parts remain but will not be supported.

The Hardware Inventory Report Parts were created from the Hardware Inventory report and share the same N-able N-central dependencies and configuration details.

For important information about using report parts, please review the topic Report Parts.

Refer to the stock report in the UI (open the Reports Console, navigate to the Hardware Inventory Report and review the list of elements) in order to decide which elements to keep or discard in the report part.

For information on deleting elements, refer to How to Create an Executive Summary Report with Hardware Inventory .

Order and Configuration of UI Controls

Prompt Parameter Type Parameter Name Hint Help Data Dependency Visibility Dependency Validation Group
Customer Customer List Customer_ID

Select the customer for which you would like to generate the report.

Filter by Rules &/or Device Classes &/or Devices Checkbox FilterByRuleOrDeviceClass

Select one: Rules or Device Classes or Devices.

Device Classes Device Class List Device_Class_ID

Select one or more Device Classes. Devices associated to the selected Device Classes will be included in the report.

Customer List FilterByRuleOrDeviceClass 1
Rules Rule List Rule_ID

Select one or more Rules. Devices associated to the selected Rules will be included in the report.

Customer List FilterByRuleOrDeviceClass 1
Devices Device List Device_ID Select one or more devices to include in the report. Customer List FilterByRuleOrDeviceClass 1