Disable an ETL Package

You can disable many of the packages that run with each ETL and you can determine the frequency of the ETLs.

Disabling a package will impact the data available for your reports. A package should only be disabled if you are an advanced user of Report Manager or if you have the advice of N-able technical support.

All packages run during an ETL by default. You may need to disable a package because of any of the following:

  • You have been advised by N-able Technical Support.
  • The ETL is taking too long to run for a specific package.
  • You do not require the metrics in this package for collection and reporting.
  • You have limited disk space.

Only non-essential packages may be disabled.

  1. In Report Manager, click the gear icon in the upper right of the Reports Console window.
    In N-able N-central, navigate to Administration > Report Manager > Administration Console.
  2. Click System Setup and Logs.
  3. Click ETL Configuration.
  4. Review the Package Name and the list of Affected Reports before disabling an ETL package.
  5. Select Off to disable an ETL package.
  6. Scroll down and Save your changes.

The selected package or packages will not be included in the next ETL.