Patch Report Parts

Report Parts not Supported

Beginning with Release 5.0, new installations will not include Report Parts. All references from the reports are removed including datasets, structure, tables, and branding.

If you have upgraded to Release 5.0, Reports Parts remain but will not be supported.

The Patch Report Parts were created from the Patch Status, Patch Details and Patch Approval reports and share the same N-able N-central dependencies and configuration details with the reports.

For important information about using report parts, please review the topic Report Parts.

Patch Approval Report Parts





Patch Details Report Part



Patch Status Report Parts







Patch Reports Order and Configuration of UI Controls

Prompt Parameter Type Parameter Name Hints
Start Date Date StartDate Specify a start date for the reporting period. The reporting period starts at 12:00 am on the selected start date.
End Date Date EndDate Specify an end date for the reporting period. The reporting period ends at 11:59 pm on the selected end date.
Service Organization SO Customer List Parent_ID Select the Service Organization for which you would like to generate the report.Select the Service Organization for which you would like to generate the report.
Filter by Customers Checkbox FilterByCustomer Select the checkbox to allow you to filter on customers. If left unchecked the report will include all customers for the Service Organization.
Customers Customer List Customer_ID Select the checkbox to allow you to filter on specific Device Classes or Rules or devices. If left unchecked the report will include all devices for the customers.
Filter by Device Classes or Rules or Devices: Checkbox FilterDevices Select the checkbox to allow you to filter on specific Device Classes or Rules or devices. If left unchecked the report will include all devices for the customers.
Device Classes Multi Select List Device_Class_ID Select one or more Device Classes. Devices within the selected Device Classes will be included in the report.
Rules Multi Select List Rule_ID Select one or more Rules. Devices associated to the selected Rules will be included in the report.
Devices Multi Select List Device_ID Select one or more devices to include in the report.
Filter by Patch Status Checkbox FilterStatus Select the checkbox to filter on patch status.
Patch Statuses Multi Select List PatchStatus_ID Patches with the selected statuses will be included in the report.
Filter by Patch Category Checkbox FilterByCategory Select the checkbox to filter on patch categories.
Patch Categories Multi Select List Category_ID Select one or more patch categories. Patches within the selected categories will be included in the report.
Include Unmonitored Categories Checkbox IsMonitored Select the checkbox to include patches in categories that are not monitored by the Patch Status service.
Include Devices Under Patch Management Checkbox PatchManaged Select the checkbox to include patches that are under Patch Management in N-central.
Include Windows Patches Checkbox IncludeWindowsPatch Select the checkbox to include Windows Patches details.
Include Third Party Patches Checkbox IncludeThirdPatch Select the checkbox to include Third Party Patches details.
Approval Statuses Multi Select List ApprovalStatus Select one or more approval statuses. Patches with the selected statuses will be included in the report.
Include Devices Not Under Patch Management Checkbox NotPatchManaged Select the checkbox to include patches that are not under Patch Management in N-central.
Group Report by Multi Select List SortReport Select Devices to group the report information by device name. Select Patches to group report information by patch name.
Include Details Checkbox IncludeDetails Select the checkbox to include a table that lists detailed patch approval information by device for each customer.