Set up a Validation Group

This is the sixth topic in the tutorial about configuring UI controls.

A Validation Group is a group of two or more parameters that will allow a user to either choose certain UI controls, or force a user to select a specific UI control.For example, create a Validation Group for the following reasons:To allow a user to pick any of the contents of the grouped UI control types to filter the contents of a dependent UI control. To force a user to pick at least one of a group of UI controls, for example, one of a group of check boxes.

You create and use a Validation Group in Advanced Mode.

In this example you will be creating a Validation Group and include the following parameters:

  • Device_Class_ID
  • Rule_ID
  • Device_ID
  1. Locate the Validation Groups column
  2. Select the + icon in the top right of the Validation Groups column header and type "GRP_1".
  3. You can name a Validation Group anything you like, the suggestion is to start with 1, and then 2, and so on.

  4. Click the + button.
  5. In the Validation Groups column, assign the following to GRP_1:
    • Device_Class_ID
    • Rule_ID
    • Device_ID.

    At run time, the Service List UI control will be populated when the user selects a Device Class, or a Rule, or a Device.