SSL for N-able N-central - Wildcard / UCC Certificates
Last Modified
Thu Jul 07 13:05 GMT 2022
- This article will assist with applying a Wildcard or UCC certificate to your N-able N-central server
- All Supported Versions of N-able N-central
- It is not possible to generate or export a wildcard certificate using your N-able N-central Server.
- The N-able N-central Server is equipped to accept (upload) a certificate, but the certificate must already be in a PKCS12 format, which is password protected and contains the bundle and private key of that server.
- PKCS12 format filename extensions are .p12 or .pfx
- If the wildcard is in any other format than this, the system does not accept it.
Method 1
To create and apply a wildcard certificate compatible with your N-able N-central Server:
- Fully chain and apply your Wildcard certificate to a Windows server.
If you need directions on how to do this, your CA should have instructions on how to do so.
- Export the certificate in PKCS12 format (Select "Include all certificates in the certification path if possible" check box when exporting the certificate).
- Log in to your N-able N-central UI using the Product Administrator account, and stay at the System Level. (NOTE: System Level is the RED background level that is available for product Admins)
- Go to Administration > Certificate Management > Upload Certificate.
- Select Wildcard/UCC as your upload type.
- Click Choose File and select your PKCS12 format file, and provide the password you created during the export process.
- Click Upload
Method 2
This is not officially supported but may work in some cases. Method 1 is preferred.
- Use the following website to convert the wildcard certificate to PEM format:
- Chain the certificates and upload as per SSL for N-able N-central - Chaining your certificate
- You will be logged out until the N-able N-central has finished applying the certificate.