Monitor and manage mobile devices

In N-sight RMM, you can monitor and manage mobile devices using the following tasks:

Monitor in All Devices

To view managed mobile devices, go to Views > All Devices > Mobile Devices.

The Mobile Devices tab in N-sight RMM includes the following information:

Column Description
SO Associated Service Organization
Customer Customer the mobile device is registered against
Site Associated site
Owner Owner of the device
Name Device name assigned when the device was added
Phone Number Phone Number (where applicable)
OS Operating system
OS Version Operating system version

Edit a mobile device

You can edit the details that were entered for a mobile device when it was enrolled and registered.

You cannot move devices between Sites if an Apple Business Manager account is present.

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click Views > All Devices.

  2. Click the Mobile Devices tab.

  3. Click the name of the iOS device.

  4. Change the settings as needed.

  5. Select Save to apply.

Delete a mobile device from N-sight RMM

If you no longer need to monitor and manage a mobile device, remove it from N-sight RMM. When you remove a mobile device from N-sight RMM, the enrollment profile on the device is removed.

To fully remove an MDM solution from a device, you may need to uninstall the enrollment profile directly from the device. For more information, see Remove an enrollment profile manually.

  1. In the left-hand navigation menu, click Views > All Devices.

  2. Select Mobile Devices.

  3. Select the checkbox(es) next to the device(s).

  4. Select Delete.

The association between the mobile device and N-sight RMM is removed.

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Updated: Dec 16, 2024