About custom filters

Custom filters are a set of conditions or rules that you apply to narrow down data, making it easier to focus on specific information.

They comprise expressions or groups of expressions that include the following :

  • Field: The column on which the filter operates. For example, Asset Name.

  • Operator: Comparison or logical operators, for example, =, >, <, and OR.

  • Value: The target value or condition you want to match.


There are two types of operators to work with in Assets; comparison operators and logical operators.

Comparison operators

These comparison operators are used to compare values in a field against a specified value.

Operator Description Example
= Equal to age = 35
!= Not equal to age != 35
> Greater than age > 21
< Less than < 21
>= Greater than or equal to salary >= 60000
<= Less than or equal to salary <= 150000
CONTAINS Finds data where a field contains a substring

Name contains `AWP`

ENDS WITH Finds data where a field ends with a specific value  
STARTS WITH Checks if a string begins with a specific value.  
IS NONE OF Checks if a string does not match any of the values from a specified set  
IS ANY OF Checks if a value matches any of the values from a specified set  

Logical operators

These logical operators combine multiple conditions using Boolean logic.

Operator Description Example
AND Both conditions are true age > 35 AND salary > 80000
OR Either condition is true age > 35 OR location = 'CA'