Active issues status icons

Status icons indicate the performance of the various areas of monitored networks. When editing a service on a device, you can click on a state icon to view more details about the service.

A service can be in one of seven statuses. N-able N-central provides a default order of priority for the service statuses: critical to least critical. For the default order of states and a description of each status, see the table below.

A change in the state of a service can be triggered by the threshold values that are specified for each monitored service. If a service is not being monitored on a device, a state icon for the device for that service does not appear on the dashboard.

The state icon that is displayed for a collapsed folder indicates the most critical status of the services contained within the folder.

For example, a folder contains ten devices that are being monitored for connectivity. If the connectivity fails (red) on one device but remains normal (green) on the rest of the devices, the failed state icon is displayed for the Connectivity service for the folder.

If your system is using the default state priorities, Failed is considered the highest priority state for a service. If your system is using customized state priorities, the state that your system administrator determines is most critical to your system is considered the highest priority.


Critical Priority


Failed 1 The service is not functioning at the required level.
Warning 2 The service is functioning but not at an optimal level. For example, the service thresholds could be set up to indicate a Warning state when a service is not meeting its SLA.
Normal 3 The service is sending valid data and functioning at an optimal level according to the specified thresholds.
Misconfigured 4 There is a setup error in the service thresholds. For example, if there is a gap between the threshold values and the service, the service changes to the Misconfigured state.
Stale Data 5 The central server has not received an update during the specified time period and the data is out-of-date or unavailable. This occurs if the agent does not send an update or the connection between the Agent and the central server is down. The status of a service can change from the No Data to the Stale Data state if the data was not received during the expected period. For example, a local service can change to the Stale Data state if there is a delay in installing the appropriate agent on the device. Local services of a device can change from the No Data state to the Stale Data state if there is a delay in installing the appropriate agent on the device.
No Data 6 The service has not yet sent any data. All newly added services start in the No Data state and can take several minutes before sending any data. The No Data state is displayed if the state of the service cannot be read or if the service changes to Indeterminate.
Disconnected 7 The device is not connected to the network. This occurs when a device experiences a 'friendly' shut down or during a scheduled downtime. If a service is disabled, then its status changes to the Disconnected state.