Merging Access Groups

If there is a change in your administrative needs or an adjustment in your workflow, you have the option to merge two or more Access Groups into one. Merging rather than creating a new group not only saves time, but it removes the potential for human error when replicating the group settings.

When merged, N-able N-central combines all customers, devices and any group attributes into the new group, including all the selections from the selected groups.

For more information on Access Groups, see What is an Access Group.

  1. Click Administration User ManagementAccess Groups.
  2. Click the check box next to the groups you want to merge and click Merge Access Groups.
  3. You can only merge customer groups with customer groups or device groups with device groups. Not a combination of both.

  4. Enter a name and description for the new, merged group and indicate if you want to delete the current groups when making the new group.
  5. If you are merging customer access groups, click Propagate to all new Customers/Sites to automatically include any new sites under a customer if added in the future.
  6. Click Save.

When you view the new Access Group, the combined customers, and devices are highlighted to stand out from the other customers/devices in the list. If you chose to delete the previous Access Groups during the merge, they will no longer appear.