Configure Microsoft Azure AD for use in N-central
You need to save the applicable values for later when you configure SSO in N-central:
Application (client) ID
Directory (tenant) ID
Client secret
Microsoft recommends Certificate in Azure Key Vault as the preferred authentication type. See Key Vault Overview for more information.
To configure Microsoft Azure AD for use in N-central
Log in to your Microsoft Azure Account.
Go to Azure Active Directory.
Click Add and select App registration.
Enter a name for the application and click Register.
You can also register a Multi-tenant app if you have customers that log in with SSO. If you are registering a Multi-tenant app, you need to have an MPN ID.
Save the following values. You will need them to configure SSO in N-central:
Application (client) ID
Directory (tenant) ID
Click Add a certificate or secret.
If you want to add a certificate in Azure Key Vault (recommended), do the following:
Click New client secret, enter a name or description for the secret and click Add.
You must reissue a client secret before it expires.
Save the client secret value.
You will need the secret value later if you choose to use it for authentication in N-central. See Configure Microsoft Azure AD as an IDP in N-central.
Go to Authentication, click Add a platform, and then click Web.
Enter your N-central redirect URLs and click Configure. Use the following formats for your redirects:
If you created a Multi-tenant app, you need to enter your MPN ID. Go to Branding & Properties and click Add MPN ID to verify publisher.
You must provide consent for the application to access your organization's data in Microsoft Azure AD.
Go to API permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft Graph.
Click Application permissions, find Directory and select the following options:
Find User.Read and select the following options:
Click Add permissions.
Click Grant admin consent for <app_name>.
Your Azure AD Provider is ready now ready for use in N-central.