Veritas service

The Veritas service determines the success or failure of a Veritas backup by locating and reviewing the log files generated by the backup software.  

The Veritas service looks for system-specified status codes in the XML log file. If these status codes match specified job status values, the agent displays the Failed status on the status dashboard. If the agent does not find a match, it displays the Normal state to the central server.

Service TypeLog Appended
Instances on a Device1
Supported Systems/ApplicationsSymantec Backup Exec version 10 and earlier
Device ClassServer - Windows
Monitored ByWindows agent
KeywordThe keyword is how N-able N-central determines whether or not a Veritas backup succeeded or failed. If the keyword is found, the Veritas service will transition to a failed state. The default value is "Fail".
Log File Prefix

The log file prefix is a string used to find log files within the log file directory. If the log file directory exists, the agent strips the prefix from the file names and looks for the file with the newest timestamp.

If you use the defaults, the agent selects all of the files matching bex*.txt for consideration.

For example:

If you change the prefix to veritas and log.txt, the agent selects all of the files matching veritas*log.txt for consideration. The prefix cannot contain spaces or use wildcards. If the agent cannot find a file with the specified prefix, it reports the Failed state to the N-able N-central server. If the log file has a .xml suffix, then N-able N-central processes this file as a Veritas 9 or 10 file.

Log File Suffix

The log file suffix is a string used to find log files within the log file directory. If the log file directory exists, the agent strips the suffix from the file names and looks for the file with the newest timestamp.

If you use the defaults, the agent selects all of the files matching bex*.txt for consideration.

For example:

If you change the suffix to veritas and log.txt, the agent selects all of the files matching veritas*log.txt for consideration. The suffix cannot contain spaces or use wildcards and must include the period. If the agent cannot find a file with the specified suffix, it reports the Failed state to the central server. If the log file has a .xml suffix, then N-able N-central processes this file as a Veritas 9 or 10 file. The suffix for Veritas 9 and 10 is not case-sensitive.

Log File Directory

The file where the service searches for log files. The default value is a full path and can contain spaces. The trailing backslash is required.

For example:

C:\Program Files\Veritas\Logs\

Time Offset

The maximum allowable age, in hours, of the Veritas log file. The agent will calculate the time that has passed between the current time and when the Veritas log file was last modified. If the difference is more than the time offset, the log is considered out of date, and the Veritas service will report a Failed state.

Scan IntervalDaily at 4:59 am.
Repeat Weekly on DaysRepeat the log file scan weekly on the specified days.
Repeat Monthly on DaysRepeated the log file scan monthly on the specified days.


Metric NameDescription
Veritas Service Availability

N-able N-central determines the quality of performance by comparing the monitored data to the thresholds. The availability range is 0-255, which corresponds to:

  • Normal = 1,
  • Warning = 2-255, and
  • Failed = 0.
Backup duration (Seconds)How long the backup took to complete.
Data amount backed up (Bytes)The amount of data backed up by the Veritas backup job.
Job Status for Veritas 9 and 10You can view the return values for the associated job status on the status screen for the Veritas service. These values represent specific critical issues. They are returned by Veritas Backup Exec and reported by the agent. For the return values: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 21, 22, and 23, the agent reports the Failed state to the central server. For the value 3, the agent reports the Warning state.
Veritas Service Details

Describes the results of the latest scan.

For example:

Job start time is beyond the offset, this log file c:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\Nt\Data\BEX01586.xml is an old log file

Return values of Veritas 9 and 10 job statuses and critical issues

Return ValueJob StatusDescription of Critical Issue
1 CanceledJob is terminal due to cancellation.
2CompletedJob has been completed by the engine and is waiting final disposition.
3Successful with exceptionsJob is terminal with success but there are some exceptions.
4DispatchedJob has been sent for execution.
5HoldJob is in a hold state.
6ErrorJob is terminal with an error.
7Invalid scheduleThe schedule for the task is invalid.
8Invalid time windowThe time window is mutually exclusive thus job will never run.
9 MissedJob is eligible for dispatch and is late.
10Not in windowDate of job makes it eligible to run, but time is not in window.
11Ready but pausedJob is ready, but dispatcher is paused.
12 PendingThe job needs to be dispositioned to an actual state.
13RecoveredThe system forced recovery of the job.
14DisabledJob has been disabled in the system.
15ResumedThe job will be restarted with check point restart enabled, this value is only set in the job history summary.
16 ActiveJob is currently running on server.
17Ready Job is eligible for dispatch.
18 ScheduledThe job has a due date in the future.
19SuccessJob is terminal with success.
20SupersededJob is ready, but another higher precedence task is eligible to run.
21Threshold auto-abortThe job was aborted due to Abort Threshold time-out.
22To be scheduledThe job needs to have the due date calculated.
23Linked jobThe job is linked to another job so will not start until the primary job is finished.