DHCP Server Service

The DHCP Server service monitors the status of the DHCP Server running on a Windows device.

Service TypeWMI
Instances on a Device100
Supported Systems/ApplicationsAny WMI-enabled Server - Windows.
Device ClassServer - Windows
Monitored ByLocal agent


Status DetailsDescription
Acks/secThe number of DHCP acknowledgment messages (DHCPACKs) sent per second by the DHCP server to clients.
Active Queue LengthThe current length of the internal message queue of the DHCP server. This number equals the number of unprocessed messages received by the server.
Packets Expired/secThe number of packets per second that expire and are dropped by the DHCP server. When a DHCP-related message packet is internally queued for 30 seconds or more, it is determined to be stale and expired by the server.
Packets Received/secThe number of message packets received per second by the DHCP server.
Releases/secThe number of DHCP release messages (DHCPRELEASEs) received per second by the DHCP server from clients. This number only exists if a DHCP client sends a release to the server. This can occur manually, such as when the ipconfig command is used at the client computer. Release messages can also be sent by the client if it is configured with the "Release DHCP lease on shutdown" option.
Requests/secThe number of DHCP request messages (DHCPREQUESTs) received per second by the DHCP server from clients.
Conflict Check Queue LengthThe current length of the conflict check queue for the DHCP server. This queue holds messages without responses while the DHCP server performs address conflict detection.
Declines/secThe number of DHCP decline messages (DHCPDECLINEs) received per second by the DHCP server from clients.
Discovers/secThe number of DHCP discover messages (DHCPDISCOVERs) received per second by the server. These messages are sent by clients when they start on the network and obtain a new address lease.
Duplicates Dropped/secThe number of duplicated packets per second dropped by the DHCP server. This number can be affected by multiple DHCP relay agents or network interfaces forwarding the same packet to the server.
Informs/secThe number of DHCP information messages (DHCPINFORMs) received per second by the DHCP server. DHCP inform messages are used when the DHCP server queries for the directory service for the enterprise root and when dynamic updates are being done on behalf of clients by the server.
Milliseconds per Packet (Avg)The average time (in milliseconds) used by the DHCP server to process each packet it receives. This number can vary depending on the server hardware and its I/O subsystem.
Nacks/secThe number of DHCP negative acknowledgment messages (DHCPNAKs) sent per second by the DHCP server to clients.
Offers/secThe number of DHCP offer messages (DHCPOFFERs) sent per second by the DHCP server to clients.