Agent Status service

The Agent Status service monitors the time since the agent last checked in. This service only monitors devices that have an agent. Agent Status service will also automatically begin monitoring the device when an agent is installed.

When Agent Status is first added to a device, the service is in a Misconfigured state until the agent first makes contact with the central server.

During the monitoring process, the central server queries the time of the most recent connection of a device's agent to the network. This is compared to the current time and the resulting difference is then compared to the specified threshold values so that it can be represented by the appropriate state on the status dashboard for the service.

If the time difference between the previous and current connection is within 10 minutes, the service state will display Normal; between 10 and 20 minutes, Warning; and over 20 minutes, Failed.

If this service enters a Failed state, the central server disconnects all other services with the exception of:

  • System Check-In
  • System Replacement
  • System Warranty

To prevent services from disconnecting, ensure that the Unscheduled Downtime check box on the Add Device screen or on the Properties tab of the Edit Device screen is not selected.

This service cannot use Self Healing.

You can choose to show this service in the Active Issues view.

Service TypeCentral server asset
Instances on a Device1
Supported Systems/ApplicationsAll available agents
Device ClassServer - Generic, Workstation - Generic, Laptop - Windows, Server - Windows, and Workstation - Windows
Monitored ByCentral server asset
Scan Interval5 minutes

Status details

Status DetailDescription
Check-In IntervalThe threshold that compares the time difference between the current time and the most recent connection to the specified threshold values.