AV Status service

The AV Status service provides consolidated management of antivirus applications. The service reports the following information for antivirus software:

  • product name,
  • scanning status,
  • current status of updates, and
  • version information.

To add the AV Status service to a device, you must run the AV Status script available in N-able N-ableMe.

Service TypeWMI
Instances on a Device1
Supported Operating SystemsSee list of supported operating systems here.
Device ClassLaptop - Windows, Server - Windows, Workstation - Windows
Monitored ByWindows probe, Windows agent
Service DescriptionThis service uses the root\SecurityCenter WMI class on a Windows device to establish the Antivirus Product name, Scanning status, Up-to-date status, and Version number.
Scan Interval (Minutes)15 minutes (default), 60 minutes (maximum)

Properties queried and calculations performed

WMI ClassAntiVirusProduct
WMI Property 0DisplayName
WMI Property 1onAccessScanningEnabled
WMI Property 2productUptoDate
WMI Property 3versionNumber

Status details

Status DetailDescription
Antivirus Product NameThe monitored antivirus software. It normally includes both the vendor name and the product name.
Virus Scanning EnabledIndicates whether the antivirus software is currently actively scanning or disabled.
Antivirus Product UptoDateIndicates whether the virus dictionary being used by the antivirus software is current or outdated.
Version NumberThe release identifier of the monitored antivirus software.