AV Defender Status service

The AV Defender Status service monitors:

  • Installation Status,
  • Whether AV Defender’s Definition Files are up-to-date,
  • Whether or not AV Defender is up-to-date,
  • Detected Errors,
  • The Number of Days Since the Last Successful Scan.

To ensure signature updates and minor updates to AV Defender can occur, ensure that DNS and outbound TCP port 80 access to http://upgrade.bitdefender.com are available through the firewall.

Service TypeCustom API
Instances on a Device1
Supported Systems/ApplicationsAny device on which AV Defender or Bitdefender Cloud Security for Endpoints version 3.5 is installed.
Device ClassWorkstation - Windows, Laptop - Windows, Server - Windows
Monitored ByWindows agents
Scan Interval

Scans are conducted based on scan tasks that can be started either manually or based on a schedule.

The scan interval is the number of minutes between scans that the Windows agent will report data for this service provided that none of the following antivirus actions or issues are detected:

  • Installation,
  • Upgrade, or
  • Signature update.

If any of the antivirus actions or issues listed above are detected, the Windows agent will report the information immediately.

ProtectionThis button indicates the state of AV Defender on the device. Clicking the button will enable or disable AV Defender. For example, if the button shows ON, clicking it will turn AV Defender OFF.
Run ScanClick to run a scan immediately.

Status details

Status DetailDescription
Installation Status

The current status of the installation of AV Defender on the device.

The thresholds for this scan detail are:

  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Failed
Protection Status

The current status of AV Defender's protection of the device from security threats.

The thresholds for this scan detail are:

  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Failed
Detected Errors

The current status of security threats detected by AV Defender.

The thresholds for this scan detail are:

  • Normal
  • Warning
  • Failed
Detected ErrorsThe security engine errors detected.
Last Successful Scan TimeThe date and time at which the last successful security scan was carried out.
Days since last successful scan (or from installation date if no scans have been performed since service was added)

The amount of time that has passed since the last successful security scan was carried out. The status remains green until the first scan, when it begins displaying the number of days since the last scan, either automated or manual.

The AV Defender Status will not populate this value until a 302_SCAN_LOG log file is created on the local device in the folder C:\Program Files(x86)\N-Able Technologies\Tools\AVDefenderEvents\. AV Defender will send this information to the agent once actioned. The date of Days Since last Scanned uses the date the 302_SCAN_LOG file was created and subtracts the current Unix(Epoch) time.

Last Successful Scan ResultSpecific results detected by the last successful security scan. Additional information on detected security threats can be displayed on the Reports tab of the AV Defender Events service.
Product Is LicensedThe license status of AV Defender indicated as either True or False.
Antivirus - Anti-malwareThe installation status of the anti-malware module of AV Defender indicated as either True or False.
Signature Age (In Days)The amount of time (in days) that has passed since the signature file was updated.
FirewallThe installation status of the firewall module of AV Defender indicated as either True or False (0 = False, 1 = True).
User ControlThe installation status of the user control module of AV Defender indicated as either True or False (0 = False, 1 = True).
Privacy ControlThe installation status of the privacy control module of AV Defender indicated as either True or False (0 = False, 1 = True).
Product Update EnabledThe status of automatic updates to AV Defender indicated as either Yes or No.
Last Product UpdateThe date and time of the last successful update to AV Defender.
Product VersionThe current version of the AV Defender engine installed on the device.
Product Update Error CodeA numeric code indicating any errors with updates to AV Defender.
Product Update Error MessageA description of any errors with updates to AV Defender.
Definitions Up To DateWhether AV Defender definition files are current indicated as either Yes or No.
Scanning EnabledThe operational state of security scanning indicated as either Yes or No.
Enabled ComponentsThe AV Defender modules that are currently enabled on the device.
Installed ComponentsThe AV Defender modules that have been successfully installed on the device.